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  1. grapplesaw

    Three way electronic crossover

    SOLVED Ok finally solved my problem as below First I am not a big fan of switching balanced to unbalanced with a cable or bonding pins together. There is a lot of info in the links I posted earlier on this very thing. so all it took was to tie the case of the balance bubby to the case of...
  2. grapplesaw

    Three way electronic crossover

    Yes in both
  3. grapplesaw

    Three way electronic crossover

    Low capacitance microphone cable for the xlr and rg62 for the bnc
  4. grapplesaw

    Three way electronic crossover

    Just confirm impedance of both in and out of the AP here is the spec
  5. grapplesaw

    Three way electronic crossover

    Setup both AP analizers drove both direction as stand alone and pairs 1K and virtually no distortion. Drive to get either .77volts in and out on the balanced cables. My understanding this is the 0 dbv porotocal so my issue is ground loops and how to deal with them. ideas anyone
  6. grapplesaw

    Three way electronic crossover

    About ready to start up the AP and test these transformers as standalone. I’ve read so many white papers on this subject and no one has given a step by step procedure only this concept or that Ugh!!!
  7. grapplesaw

    Three way electronic crossover

    Cables?? Who needs stinking cables! Ugh an other 8 xlr cables today Did 10 yesterday it take me 10-15 minutes each
  8. grapplesaw

    Three way electronic crossover

    Gene this is a good place to answer at lot of questions. I got more questions on this whole subject that answers.
  9. grapplesaw

    Three way electronic crossover

    Lee you may need to build one. Options are using design tool i have not realy looked at this but may be of interest rePhase is a free FIR generation tool for building fully linear-phase active crossovers with arbitrary slopes. It also let you manually compensate for the...
  10. grapplesaw

    Three way electronic crossover

    The Rane is 24db slope. The dbx is 48db so it may be the one
  11. grapplesaw

    Three way electronic crossover

    Oh look My other AP Ast1 had balanced input and outputs this will be big help in testing
  12. grapplesaw

    Three way electronic crossover

    as I am using a combination of unbalanced and balanced components it’s best to read up on there difference and best practices in the attached links. These Balance Buddies are basic In Design My issue as it stands , and need to be solved defore going on to a great build , is the noise when...
  13. grapplesaw

    Three way electronic crossover

    So far the Best solution to convert unbalanced to balanced is a fail. Do need your help here everyone. so I best talk about what these things do there many articles on this conversion of balance and unbalance which I will attach links to. The first one is useful for my system as are all the...
  14. grapplesaw

    Three way electronic crossover

    Hello Everyone This thread may not go far or supersede Jene’s 400 build thread, OMG if that happen. so to get started this is to describe how to set up and how not to set up a three-way electronic crossover system. I had grand ideas of how I was going to build this using isolation transformers...
  15. grapplesaw

    Horn upgrade on K-horns

    Well it’s time to get on with my speaker upgrade. This has taken far to long but I am working again full time and fitting these bigger projects in is not that easy this thread has some of the construction info for these horns. Go the the link and follow on a bit it see...
  16. grapplesaw

    Another sad day for music. Gary Rossington has passed

    Last of the original band members
  17. grapplesaw

    What are you using for PL400 bias transistor replacements?

    Watch the pin out. The legs are not oriented the same with some brands.
  18. grapplesaw

    sun fire Theatre Grand V

    Don there is a 12 volt battery to run it. Got to keep noise out of it so this is best way. Crazy isn’t it.
  19. grapplesaw

    sun fire Theatre Grand V

    8 way phono selector with adjustable capacitance. That goes to phono input on receiver Don
  20. grapplesaw

    Anybody ever have a Cart Re-Tipped?

    Audio-Technica VM500 / VM700 Phono Cartridges Reviewed Herein we feature not one, not two, but a grand total of 12 cartridges from Audio-Technica. In a recent bid to simplify the company’s cartridge ranges, Audio-Technica have amalgamated their lines beginning first with the VM500 and VM700...