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  1. Geegz

    what are you listening to?

    Thanks wouldn’t be possible without our own resident “WOPL Sniffer”! The 3 Clair sisters have a new sister not rotated into the system yet, Gina. Perry builds one helluva of a WOPL700! I need to figure out what “impedance” I’m gonna hook up to her.
  2. Geegz

    what are you listening to?

  3. Geegz

    what are you listening to?

  4. Geegz

    what are you listening to?

  5. Geegz

    what are you listening to?

  6. Geegz

    Happy Pi Day ...

    Pi r2? No pie are round...cakes are square
  7. Geegz

    FWIW La Scalla's in Maryland online auction

    Trying to place which Pink Floyd album those stickers came out of....I’m thinking Dark Side of the Moon? I remember it came with a fold out poster, I must have been 14-15 when I opened that album up and found those inside!
  8. Geegz

    Any one recognize this WOPL 400

    Very nice Fred, I do like the sensitivity controls. Someone still owes me a $2 bill for guessing correctly
  9. Geegz

    Sutt's "Fugly One" WOPL Transformation

    The black and blue looks great.....1000 Watts should give you some bruises for sure!
  10. Geegz

    Any interest in 700B Handle group buy (minimum $150 buy in for 2 pair)

    Perry, You can bump me up to 4 pair of handles
  11. Geegz

    Any one recognize this WOPL 400

    I love a Belgian WOFL, tasty!
  12. Geegz

    Any one recognize this WOPL 400

    I remember a post a while back, FredR was putting gain controls on his 400’s it looked a lot like this one. I would bet a $2 bill this is a FredR WOPL
  13. Geegz

    700 Series II WOPLIZATION x 2

    Mia is looking good Perry, Kevin is getting excited about it. ANTICIPATION!!!
  14. Geegz

    happy Birthday Northwinds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy birthday Ron! Enjoy your day brother!
  15. Geegz

    Happy Birthday Sniffer

    Happy Birthday Perry! :occasion5::occasion6::icescream::icescream: Beer, cake and ice cream for you
  16. Geegz

    Happy New Year 2018...

    Happy New Year everyone! Hope everyone is safe tonight (and warm)!:occasion8:
  17. Geegz

    B&K PRO 5 Preamp

    That one was a good deal with the CAN to USD conversion rate.. another one one popped up in the US for $350....probably a little high for a non-remote model but still a good value IMO...
  18. Geegz

    B&K PRO 5 Preamp

    There is a Acurus LS-11 preamp on USAudiomart....posted a couple days ago in Toronto. Asking $300 CAD (about $235 US, no affiliation here). Non remote model.
  19. Geegz

    Merry Christmas All

    Merry Christmas to everyone....I hope everyone gets what they want from Santa and get to enjoy some time with your family and friends! Peace to all as well!:santa: