2018 is now here from Samoa into Australia and parts of SE Asia. Here is my usual hope that it sucks better than the last year, and party responsibly or at least party irresponsibly but get a ride home
We want you back for another year!
Happy New YEAR! Let's build some AMPS! Or WATTS. Or lots of AMPS with lots of WATTS!
I could use some White Oak PL HEAT right about now! BRRRRRRR!
Check your anti freeze guy's!!
It's supposed to be right a ZERO here the next couple mornings. That's just not right for where I live. I'm glad I have no livestock right now.I hate busting open water troughs every few hours.
It's supposed to be right a ZERO here the next couple mornings. That's just not right for where I live. I'm glad I have no livestock right now.I hate busting open water troughs every few hours.