Videophile's Wanted?

May 26, 2013
St. Louis, MO.
Born and Raised In The 700 Watt Club.
I looked all over the forum to try to find some opinions of video gear. Naturally being an audio forum, one should not expect this. So rather my question is this: are there any videophile's out there amongst our 350 members that could give me any valuable advice on today's ever evolving technology in the television market?

Many times if not most often when we reference ourselves to seeking audio purity; and we are building a home theater system, the two usually are married together. And we desire superb video to go with our equally superb audio. Or at least what "feels" superb to each individual.

My quandry consists of trying to decide between purchasing the best Plasma display Panasonic manufactures ZT series, as I have researched and been told that this is the last they will make in plasmas and is currently the best on the market today. Finally besting the Pioneer Kuro. I was also told that that's as far as Panasonic 's engineers can go in picture quality and no more research will be done with this technology. My guess is it will now be spent on the new OLED. BUT.......with the emerging market of 4K......... Should I maybe thinking about holding off? I certainly don't want to get trapped in the chasm of time that was lost between the making of the kuro to today's ZT. Waiting until NOW just to get the picture quality we had five years ago? Don't want to go there again. And by the time OLED becomes affordable in large screen sizes..... Well lets just say that was my line of thinking on the kuro's and look how that turned out? They exited the market all be it expensively. Hence, I waited five years with no big screen since nobody could approach what Pioneer did cost effectively.

So..... Hopefully I can get some great insight from my fellow members here. Even though this is an audio site. And if you have a good suggestion as far as referring me to a forum that does video; please share. Much appreciated!


Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Dave: I would tread carefully when investing in new technology. 4k and even 8K Ultra HD TV is the newest I've read about. Read some views from countering opinions like CNET:

I pick up the odd AV magazine, or talk to my best friend, who does way more research in this matter than I do. He uses a projector with 110" screen fed by an Oppo BDP series Blu-ray player.



Staff member
May 15, 2011
Sterling, MA
Old 'Arn Enthusiast
I looked all over the forum to try to find some opinions of video gear. Naturally being an audio forum, one should not expect this. So rather my question is this: are there any videophile's out there amongst our 350 members that could give me any valuable advice on today's ever evolving technology in the television market?

Many times if not most often when we reference ourselves to seeking audio purity; and we are building a home theater system, the two usually are married together. And we desire superb video to go with our equally superb audio. Or at least what "feels" superb to each individual.

My quandry consists of trying to decide between purchasing the best Plasma display Panasonic manufactures ZT series, as I have researched and been told that this is the last they will make in plasmas and is currently the best on the market today. Finally besting the Pioneer Kuro. I was also told that that's as far as Panasonic 's engineers can go in picture quality and no more research will be done with this technology. My guess is it will now be spent on the new OLED. BUT.......with the emerging market of 4K......... Should I maybe thinking about holding off? I certainly don't want to get trapped in the chasm of time that was lost between the making of the kuro to today's ZT. Waiting until NOW just to get the picture quality we had five years ago? Don't want to go there again. And by the time OLED becomes affordable in large screen sizes..... Well lets just say that was my line of thinking on the kuro's and look how that turned out? They exited the market all be it expensively. Hence, I waited five years with no big screen since nobody could approach what Pioneer did cost effectively.

So..... Hopefully I can get some great insight from my fellow members here. Even though this is an audio site. And if you have a good suggestion as far as referring me to a forum that does video; please share. Much appreciated!
Hi Dave
have you trolled the used Plasma market? I see your dilemma. You don't want to plunk down a ton of coin on a new plasma TV when it is being superseded by newer (digital) technology trends. Kind of like being the last proud owner of a Sony Betamax :)

Plasma is a nice presentation for sure but you have to ask, at what price?


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
Trinitrons FADE when they die. Mine bleeds in the red and that slightly misaligns. THAT is not a tube issue. My nearly 30 year old set needs repair, not replacement. It's turned out to be the best $3 I ever invested in a TV. It also doubles as a BARBELL!


Staff member
May 15, 2011
Sterling, MA
Old 'Arn Enthusiast
Trinitrons FADE when they die. Mine bleeds in the red and that slightly misaligns. THAT is not a tube issue. My nearly 30 year old set needs repair, not replacement. It's turned out to be the best $3 I ever invested in a TV. It also doubles as a BARBELL!
They are heavy Steven. Still have a couple of them as guest bedroom sets. Costs much more to dispose of them than to keep them


Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 13, 2013
I gave most of my tube sets away. Couldnt even sell them for 5 dollars. Nobody seems to want them anymore.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
I have my father's fairly recent 13" Sharp, KV-1745R, 65R? Hell, I can't read the badge without turning it around but there is STILL at least ONE NTSC translator running Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN) I can get without a converter box (and the one in the living room DIED last fall)...

I have an RCA Victor 6L6? 19" B/W New Vista portable, VHF-only, the tiny Panasonic tubed set I've mentioned, the 5" Sony with the offset in audio and video that means neither work at the same time, KV-9000 portable, Zenith CRT projectors Model 800 and Pro 880 and a previously fixed but dead before I could use it recently Sony VPH-1044Q.

I'm wondering if there really IS anything wrong with the Trini as the Digital Storm DTX-9950 I had on it for over four years was the one that later up and croaked, stays lit green but will not boot, shut off, do anything and it's no doubt time for a UHF remote extender and a headend setup.
May 26, 2013
St. Louis, MO.
Born and Raised In The 700 Watt Club.
Hi Dave
have you trolled the used Plasma market? I see your dilemma. You don't want to plunk down a ton of coin on a new plasma TV when it is being superseded by newer (digital) technology trends. Kind of like being the last proud owner of a Sony Betamax :)

Plasma is a nice presentation for sure but you have to ask, at what price?
EXACTLY Joe. This technology changes way too fast for an individual looking for the great holy grail of picture perfection. Because that is where you invest the big bucks. If I was willing to buy a $300 32" westinghouse for my home theater; then hell, what would I care? But my taste for quality video processing is just as high as my taste for audio. This is why I have the OPPO-BDP-105. It is prepped and ready for a great video source. I may have a stalemate on my hands here until OLED becomes the industry standard because it's the only technology that superceeds the top of the line plasma's in black levels AND does Ultra high def. Or at least has the major manufacturers supporting the future of it? Otherwise yeah; it's a beta max scenario. OR HD-DVD. OR DVD AUDIO. Both out done by Blue-Ray; and SACD respectively.

I have until March to plunk down the dollars for that last great Plasma. That's when manufacture ends. Joe; if I DID troll the used plasma market, (and I have); it would only be to buy a Kuro. And those are no longer findable. Because people know what they are. And at THIS point, they are five year old sets.

Hey Steve; have you TRIED hanging that tube over a fireplace? Give ya $100 bucks right now if you can? :laughing9:


Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 13, 2013
I use a 40" Samsung. It replaced a no name brand 32" LCD. Cant really complain about either one to tell the truth.
May 26, 2013
St. Louis, MO.
Born and Raised In The 700 Watt Club.
Reflective Final Thought............

My summarized point is basically "the public wants what the public wants". And manufacturers will cater to those demands.

From what I have read on several sites; ALL tv's eventually burn out or die. Like an old CRT picture getting smaller and smaller till 'blip'. Your 19" tuber became a 19mm tuber! LOL! That happened to me once. According to today's manufacturing processes, 2013-2014; the "half-life" of a plasma set is rated well over 100,000 hours. Or watching tv for 5 hours a day EVERY day for 58 years, in order for a plasma to look half as bright as it did when new. So given this fact, and the continuous advancement in picture technology............I'd think I'd be safe going with the technology that gives you the best possible picture today. Plasma.

It's more a toss-up now of the current crop of Plasma over 4k. I have more homework to do on this subject for myself it seems.

Below is a link to the article that states current Plasma tv's issues are not a concern. The major reasons for companies to quit supporting it are it's costly; not as bright as LED (and therefore not as accurate in deep blacks), and not where 4k is going right now. That will be left for the huge LED market and the new emerging OLED. So plasma's by default will trickle out. It's a shame because the color accuracy is best on these sets as it was in tubes, but people want BRIGHT so they can play dora the explorer the movie for their kids all day long in the house with the blinds wide open. (light being terrible for plasma's) 3D suffers too in dark environments and since makers have been hocking 3D in their sets for six years plus.......plasma take a back seat over the novelty.

Just as with most people today in audio gear; they think the BEST out there is a ten thousand dollar amplifier with a 20 thousand dollar speaker and nothing can compare. But this group knows better. We all know vintage gear is better. And we also know so is the old CRT tube. But we can't get those anymore and not in cinema sizes like I need. So we suffer with less than ideal picture quality for the moment. Trying to bring back what used to be but in a new way. And there IS a way; but cost prohibitive and manufacturer deficient. Because..............the public wants what the public wants right now. Big thin and bright tv's. Not ideal for total picture accuracy...............


Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
I just wheeled my old Panasonic console out to the garage. Yes, it's heavy enough to have its own casters. I will donate it to the 2nd hand store. I have an old Grundig stereo console I am making room for in the downstairs bedroom.



Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
All hats off to a fine piece of video furniture...


Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Steven: My old Panasonic is nothing compared to the fine woodwork of the Grundig. Hats off to old consoles, anyway!



Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
EXACTLY Joe. This technology changes way too fast for an individual looking for the great holy grail of picture perfection. Because that is where you invest the big bucks. If I was willing to buy a $300 32" westinghouse for my home theater; then hell, what would I care? But my taste for quality video processing is just as high as my taste for audio. This is why I have the OPPO-BDP-105. It is prepped and ready for a great video source. I may have a stalemate on my hands here until OLED becomes the industry standard because it's the only technology that superceeds the top of the line plasma's in black levels AND does Ultra high def. Or at least has the major manufacturers supporting the future of it? Otherwise yeah; it's a beta max scenario. OR HD-DVD. OR DVD AUDIO. Both out done by Blue-Ray; and SACD respectively.

I have until March to plunk down the dollars for that last great Plasma. That's when manufacture ends. Joe; if I DID troll the used plasma market, (and I have); it would only be to buy a Kuro. And those are no longer findable. Because people know what they are. And at THIS point, they are five year old sets.

Hey Steve; have you TRIED hanging that tube over a fireplace? Give ya $100 bucks right now if you can? :laughing9:
Still works fine :booty: and you are way too late for the old Truetone with all Raytheon parts and a clock in a blonde cabinet...and I have TWO projector screens for the THREE CRT projectors.

FIREPLACE...this is a 60 year old place with a wall furnace I rent with HUD assistance.

PS I mailed a 12LP4A older than Lee once that probably replaced a DuMont 12LP4 that melted the rubber seal on a Stromberg Carlson AM-FM-TV-phono chassis...most likely c.1951.
Last edited:


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
Steven: My old Panasonic is nothing compared to the fine woodwork of the Grundig. Hats off to old consoles, anyway!

The picture tubes on those models were nice though and I'm happy that the aesthetics failed you before the set did.

Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
I'd say 4k, 8k and 32K are years away from becoming mainstream. The sources like tv statoins are not going o want to upgrade again when you van't even see the difference from the average viewers distance. I bought a 60 inch led tv a year ago and have no plans to upgrade for ten years ar untill it stops wrorking. at that time if 4k or 8k's are the same price I'll buy one.