I'll look Ben, I believe I have an extremely long photo post there also
Just got back from the dude's house and I have to say it was not a good experience. He saw the guitar and his eyes lit up but I said, I have to hear it first
Hooked everything up and him using his mp3 player as a source. Left channel did not work. Red flags arose quickly because he said he was running it last week. I suggested checking the fuse. Sure enough blown and the wrong type in there. This guy is a computer guy who thinks he is the ultimate electrician BTW. Starts putting random fuses in and I said, hey that's not safe. "It will be alright just to test" then POP blows another fuse when he turns it on, this time the power fuse went along with the same channel fuse. He has this bright idea to put higher rated fuses in and I am standing there speechless. Ok, amp came on and he cranked it halfway.... a mushroom cloud of smoke and that heavy acrid melted electronis stink filled his garage. We looked inside after the smoke cleared, heatsink on right was still freakin' hot, main power cap on the other channel had a "wave" in the top. Board that lines to the output caps had a few things toasted on it. Probably an easy repair for Joe, Lee and Jer but not for me. It had 4 fuses inside and none of them were toasted so the rest of the unit probably is fine. That right output board though...
I picked up my guitar case and said no deal