Bobby's Dad's thread....

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Veteran and General Yakker
May 1, 2013
Those who enter the man cave will get WOPLed
you have a good eye Derek..... ;)
Yes when you fire up all those amps and speakers, then the street lights dim to the beat, you see the electric company truck going up and down the street trying to find the fault, wondering what the hell is going on. :blob2:


Veteran and General Yakker
Feb 27, 2013
In witness protection.
I've totally lost the plot....
I'm gonna series/parallel wire it all up tomorrow to my Amcron 2401 to see wot happens.
the only problem is my power outlet is only 20 amps, so if I can get past the 'turn on' I should be OK.
If not, I'll have to 'hot wire' into the stove.


Veteran and General Yakker
May 1, 2013
Those who enter the man cave will get WOPLed
I'm gonna series/parallel wire it all up tomorrow to my Amcron 2401 to see wot happens.
the only problem is my power outlet is only 20 amps, so if I can get past the 'turn on' I should be OK.
If not, I'll have to 'hot wire' into the stove.
What are you up to? Testing the foundations of the complex? LOL


Veteran and General Yakker
May 1, 2013
Those who enter the man cave will get WOPLed
.... and I'm on the bottom floor!

Nah, I don't like it too loud anymore, but that doesn't mean I still can't have a lethal system.
You just never know when you might need one tho'.
I think you will be pushing it, if only for a short moment, better start stripping the wires on that stove circuit =).


Veteran and General Yakker
May 1, 2013
Those who enter the man cave will get WOPLed
Earthquake day today =) (Speaker Generated), Better take 6 stars off that energy rating sticker. Anyways good morning! I am going for a physical today, one step closer to a job so I can buy more toys :fart:


Veteran and General Yakker
Feb 27, 2013
In witness protection.
I've totally lost the plot....
Earthquake day today =) (Speaker Generated), Better take 6 stars off that energy rating sticker. Anyways good morning! I am going for a physical today, one step closer to a job so I can buy more toys :fart:
.... and I just got a letter with a new appointment with the surgeon coming up in a couple o' weeks!
One step further from ever being able to work again. (one less star on my own energy rating card)
How freakin' depressing.
At least my stereo sounds nice today, after all that hard work rearranging it all. Lots more to do yet.


Veteran and General Yakker
May 1, 2013
Those who enter the man cave will get WOPLed
.... and I just got a letter with a new appointment with the surgeon coming up in a couple o' weeks!
One step further from ever being able to work again. (one less star on my own energy rating card)
How freakin' depressing.
At least my stereo sounds nice today, after all that hard work rearranging it all. Lots more to do yet.
What happened to you that made you unable to work? For me I was on the verge of a breakdown and went into a downward spiral from there on until I finally dug myself out of this mental medicated hole. Told the doc to stick his pills up his ass and I only have 1 pill left to ween myself off.

If I could sit here and listen to tunes and play with audio gear all day I would be very happy. But need the money to survive, they would not give me disability so the basic payment was enough for power and rent, that's it, no food, no smokes, no fuel, no luxuries. I spent most of this time off (7 months) using my own savings, then having to do odd jobs only to still not make ends meet, very depressing and stressful. Work sucks too but it is something that I accept I will be doing for the rest of my life. After all they keep bumping up the retirement age, they want us to work until we are dead.


Veteran and General Yakker
Feb 27, 2013
In witness protection.
I've totally lost the plot....
What happened to you that made you unable to work? For me I was on the verge of a breakdown and went into a downward spiral from there on until I finally dug myself out of this mental medicated hole. Told the doc to stick his pills up his ass and I only have 1 pill left to ween myself off.

If I could sit here and listen to tunes and play with audio gear all day I would be very happy. But need the money to survive, they would not give me disability so the basic payment was enough for power and rent, that's it, no food, no smokes, no fuel, no luxuries. I spent most of this time off (7 months) using my own savings, then having to do odd jobs only to still not make ends meet, very depressing and stressful. Work sucks too but it is something that I accept I will be doing for the rest of my life. After all they keep bumping up the retirement age, they want us to work until we are dead.
.... just too many big black boxes up on ya shoulder up too many stairs for too many years.
The things ya do for the love of doing sound.
Can't complain.Got a brain full o' memories, (if I could only remember 'em.)
Ya just gotta do whatever you can, while you can, and keep looking for those little opportunities that keep bringing that smile back on your face. That's life I guess.
I know where you're coming from. It's somewhere I went, when I realised I'm pretty well useless from here on.
.... and yes, 'they' expect you to keep working 'till way after you're dead these days.
I'm still so pissed off that the week before they released the Budget here couple o' weeks back, that the Pollies here gave themselves a generous pay rise plus allowances, and then gave us on DSP absolutely nuthin'! They've sold off all public holdings in the way of Utilities and Public Services, then sell the country off to China by the billions of tons of ore they keep shipping out daily, leaving nothing but a big hole in the ground, suck all our resources out of the ground, then ship all that out of the country to the point where all of Australia will turn into a giant sink hole after it collapses all the way through to China, and we'll never see kangaroos and koalas again 'cause they'll all be eaten by the third world refugees that're slowly displacing us, just like the Japanese are eating all the whales, ;) and it's got to the point where no Australian will be able to buy ANYTHING Australian because everything including the ground we stand on, and the houses we live in and the trains we ride on and the buses we catch and the shops we shop at will all be owned by overseas owners!
And it's ALL the Pollies fault!!!!!!!
AND wot about that absolutely dumfounding move by our not too bright PM to SELL OUR URANIUM TO FREAKIN' INDIA!!!!!!! Is she NUTZ????? Of all the places to sell it to! Are you kidding me????
(BIG BREATH count to 10)
'nuff said.....
Yep, it's gettin' tuff.
'They' reckon it's tuff at the top, but I know for a fact, it's a lot tuffer at the bottom! Heh heh heh.... LoL... :laughing9:

(if I've offended any non Australian, then all I can say is, you gotta be here.....)


Veteran and General Yakker
Apr 12, 2012
.... and I just got a letter with a new appointment with the surgeon coming up in a couple o' weeks!
One step further from ever being able to work again. (one less star on my own energy rating card)
How freakin' depressing.
At least my stereo sounds nice today, after all that hard work rearranging it all. Lots more to do yet.
Damn dude - more work on the backside? Well - anyhows I sure hope all works out. Keep posting here and we'll keep you abby normal - hey it's the best I can do. I'd say normal but I'd by lying to you if I said that.

Really - I do hope all works out for the best.



Veteran and General Yakker
Feb 27, 2013
In witness protection.
I've totally lost the plot....
Damn dude - more work on the backside? Well - anyhows I sure hope all works out. Keep posting here and we'll keep you abby normal - hey it's the best I can do. I'd say normal but I'd by lying to you if I said that.

Really - I do hope all works out for the best.

sh*t happens....
doesn't bother me any more.

got my ol' Luxman LV 103 (hybrid tube/mosfet thingie) hooked up today, that was a good thing. :)
sounds ok I s'pose. well, it doesn't sound bad....

off to the shop....


Veteran and General Yakker
May 1, 2013
Those who enter the man cave will get WOPLed
Yeah the powers that be can do all they like, they dont give a damn about the general population. But they cant stop us from enjoying what we love doing the most (our hobbies) because we always find a way to do it no matter how broke we are, "they" know this and "they" dont like it! I can have an absolute ball with a $5 broken piece of audio gear from the local dump recycle market, cos I can usually fix it. Cant see myself buying anything "new" ever again really, the quality just isn't there, so Mr GST will have to go without. HA!


Veteran and General Yakker
Feb 27, 2013
In witness protection.
I've totally lost the plot....
where I live now, there's not a second hand, or opp/thrift shop for miles around.
no more bargains for me any more unless it's through the grapevine....
... or an overlooked listing on the 'Bay. (still happens sometimes.)


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
BD, the worlds a fucking trainwreck loking for that piece of rail to go off on. I told my kids if Obama won a second term there really were aliens running the planet, still think I'm right.
Some of what's happening just doesn't make sense. The US has now spawned 2 generations that think they're ENTITLED to be supported by some one else, even though they are able bodied to work. That does not mean I think disability is not necessary, I believe it is and will complain to no one for my share of taxes that go to that.It's the gamers of the system and the lazy that chap my fucking ass, and the way politicians become unattached after they have been in Washington too long. One of our Senators was a shoe store owner here in Gillette, and later the mayor. The local talkshow host had him in an interview and he dodged straight questions like a 20 year Washington pro. The host would have none of it, and expected a public servant to have the respect of his constituency AND ANSWER THE GOD DAMN QUESTION BECAUSE IT WASN:T A MATTER OF GOD DAMNED NATIONAL SECURITY AND A PERSON YOU SERVE ASKED THE GOD DAMNED QUESTION. The talk show host is now unemployed and the reason given was "he injected to much opinion in his interviews" FOR FUCKS SAKE!! He's a talk show host not Bernstein!!!

Jesus Dude you almost got me started, not enough hours in the night to go here, but I will, soon.....


Veteran and General Yakker
Feb 27, 2013
In witness protection.
I've totally lost the plot....
Lee, if you could plot it all on a graph, it would be exponential and heading for a disaster that just doesn't quite come, (being exponential of course, and never having a finite end point.)
I just don't know what to title the graph.....
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