AM Listening


Flying the Vista Cruiser up there... RIP
Jun 12, 2010
Deep in the Sonoran Desert SW
Take it easy on thge BF, remember, he has to complain to whoever will listen ABOUT YOU!!
Ya got that right, and it'd be his cat 'Merlin', just venting yet again, my passion and love is a bit too much even for me, myself and I, tho I have Katie, and Lee, she loved ya right off the bat, snuggled with you're ass on the floor!

All I say is Lee and Jani loves you girl, and that tails wags wickedly!! She knows :toothy8::blob7::toothy8:!!


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Gotta love Kid Rock.Kid Rock – Cowboy
Just woke up. Time for extra curricular activity. Jerry did you upgrade to Premium Spotify. I went through the free 10 hours in 2 days. LOL Going to apply for a CCP today. DD 214 is all I need to bypass the gun school requirement. Broad Firearm reform scares me. What is the cut of for Mentally Ill. Now it is must have a judge commit you. Will they say if you are taking anti-depressants. Will they say you are mentally ill? How will they know without a search warrant. Now that Executive Order is floating around. Scares me. How would we stop it till he is out of office? Gotta pay my tax bill today. Think of the gov't and taxes run through my mind.Hearing this VAT crap floatig around. The UK is at 20% or close to it. I am not a fan of Big Brother.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Just put some Johnny Lang on. Piano on this system is awesome. Doing the L/R system while in the garage.I do get amazed at the sound coming out of it. He is one of my favorite guitar players in this genre. Wish I could share the sound with you. Lee this is a wicked preamp. Thank you so much. No hum trust me I cranked it yesterday with no input. No hum. Love my AM jams. Sets the whole day. Some very good tunes. Steven deck is wrapped in bubble wrap. LOL I am getting there. Waiting on a box. The guys threw the other one out. Have a very mellow day. Life is to short for drama.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Got my college transcripts. Straight 3.0 GPA.Guess that is OK. I did not pass hardware identification. Lucky I could drop a low score. Look at a bolt head and tell what it is. Not just size. Metal, hardness and so one. Never used it one time. Can't weld worth a crap either. LOL Just put my drill press together. Next is the table saw. A wood CNC would be awesome. Not going to happen in this life time. Graham I am close to the magic number. Less than 200.00 to go. Really getting excited. Gonna hang on till I get my dividends. Facebook doesn't pay dividends. Going to try to hold till it hits 40. It is at 31.38 at the moment. Humana started climbing today.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Waiting for 9 AM. Then I can play. Listening to Led in the garage. It was the Butler with a pipe in the living room Young John Mayer "Heavier Things"
John Mayer – Heavier Things

Wish I could share this with you guys. Was just doing the Larry dance. LOL Taking a long time to type a couple of sentences. Seems my mind is in an irregular orbit. A little while ago was smoking my pen and about to draw a line with my cig. Jerry next time you come up. Bring your TT dimensions. Try pouring a plinth. Some of you are going to get my mistakes..


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Just put some Johnny Lang on. Piano on this system is awesome. Doing the L/R system while in the garage.I do get amazed at the sound coming out of it. He is one of my favorite guitar players in this genre. Wish I could share the sound with you. Lee this is a wicked preamp. Thank you so much. No hum trust me I cranked it yesterday with no input. No hum. Love my AM jams. Sets the whole day. Some very good tunes. Steven deck is wrapped in bubble wrap. LOL I am getting there. Waiting on a box. The guys threw the other one out. Have a very mellow day. Life is to short for drama.

I know it's a wicked Pre-Amp and soooooooooo glad you like it, kinda makes it worth the 8 month wait...


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
I know it's a wicked Pre-Amp and soooooooooo glad you like it, kinda makes it worth the 8 month wait...
I know it's a wicked Pre-Amp and soooooooooo glad you like it, kinda makes it worth the 8 month wait...
Lee the sound stage is just awesome. Jerry didn't hear it in the L/R. He heard the Nikko I think. As I do not believe in Synergy. I think it would sound good in any system. Went looking for the new Greg Allman CD. Not on Spotify yet. There is alot of bands I forget I like. LOL If you are lookig for the audio Nirvana. It may take awhile to get what you want. I suggest going with a kit. Quit chasing your tail. Do a little at a time. Pick the internal components. Don't cheap out take your time. Good things come to those that wait. Save your money. Do your research. Don't sit there and buy PIO caps and then wonder if SIO sounds better. Buy the SIO. Don't fool yourself that the part is cheaper and just as good. That is something cheap bastards say. If you want to step into Alice's looking glass. Forget the money buy a little at a time. You will not be disappointed. Build every component of your system like you never want to build another one. I have not figured up the cost of the pre. If you have to keep buying speakers, amps, and such. Think of the money you are spending and what you are getting. The preamp will never be sold by me. This is my rational behind the money thing. It does matter. Whet an attenuator manu. Laser cuts the resistors to value. Do you thing he is going to use a cheap wiper assembly. Yea right. How long would they stay in business? If PIO was just as good as the higher end caps. Who would buy the others. That is like saying a Chevy is as good as a Caddy. Just a name thing. There is no difference. BS Keep telling yourself those things if it makes you sleep better at night. Here is the next phono stage I will buy. I'm not saying hock the house. Do it a little at a time. A very good base with the right parts will give you a very nice component. The oh that is good enough attitude isn't going to get you where you want to be. These are just my thoughts. Your mileage may vary depending on your driving practices. LOL No guns at this house. Going to spend the money on other toys. Don't need no stinking gun. If it is my time. It won't matter any way. LOL Here is one for you. LMBO not kidding.Nick Valensi – Major Tom (Coming Home)
Got the new cough medicine my Dr. ordered. I think I'm Turning Japanese and I really like it. LOL Think I will buy this CD. Think I have some Commander Cody. However it is spelled. LOL My question about life is this. Did God put me on Earth to please others? Now if my answer is No. Then take a step back and scratch your head and ask. If it is no. Then he probably couldn't care less about your opinion. Wow is that a shocker. I did something that upset some. If I have something to say. I'm going to say it to your face. Right in front of everyone. If you think I won't say it to your face if you heard I said it. You don't know me. I don't stutter. Thus you won't be invited to my house. Before I do something I think about it. As to why I would I do those actions. It could be a 20 second process. It could be 2 months. Everything I do I do for a reason. My thought process isn't like a positive charged atom flying around uncontrollably. Lot of energy expelled and where are you. Never show emotion. Let them wonder if your about to put your foot some where it will be very uncomfortable. Always the quiet ones. Ever had a cop ask why you have that person on the ground. If you are going to walk you better have a reason that the cop would have done the same thing. Till I was 42 the most I weighed was 145. Not one ounce of fat. Ever had a person hit you in places you didn't know could hurt very badly. There will be no fight if I don't think I can put the person on their knees with the first couple hits. I was the smallest kid growing up. At school when I was young they threw me in on fights. I had to fight 2 people to get out of it. Yea I went running to the teacher. Getting hit hurts. I do not like pain at all. I can slap you that tears start rolling the instant the second hit is coming. My hands stay at my sides. Lot more force coming at you then me having them up. Plain Physics. I spent hours a day learning how to walk without moving my upper body. Very deceptive. Gotta love the Koreans. If you allow yourself to be bullied. You will always be. Do you think you can't intimidate a bully? A bully is a very insecure person. So you just work on that. Going to look for this on vinyl. I can't type doing the air guitar thing. VERY VERY Good CD. When you do the Air Guitar is your hand up on the neck or down on the neck. Space Truckin just came on. Very good tune. Just got it. I'm trying to maintain. LMBO. Now that is funny. Forgot I was posting LOL William Shatner doing Black Sabbath. LOL Going for a TT this AM. Do some testing. Very good tunes this early. I am in good shape. LOL Went to get a TT guess what. I forgot. LOL


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Will post pics. Testing period has started. Started Cleaning the Nikko. Soundgarden right now. I lived in Seattle during this time. They should rename Automatic TTs. To staner TTs. LOL This is a cheap TT. Have the Shure Jico no brush at all. Will try the Stanton today. Ever have a conversation and not say a word? I have met maybe 2 people in my life I could do it with. Very strange. One was a guy. One a girl. Nothing special. It just happens. You have to be receptive.The only restraint on thinking is thinking to much. The thoughts you have must be yours or they aren't. Been awhile since I wrote like this. LMBO Hey That phono board for the SP makes me want to fix it. I learned a lesson. The 100 ohm load is a fuller sound. Made my scooter chirp the tire the other day. I LMBO. Was like a kid sliding your rear tire till the smoke comes off it. I went across some snow and punched it. LOL It was about to get squirrely. It was starting to go to the side. I have a tool box that is just TT tools and gear. Yes Jim wish I could share this moment in time. Just wet and got one of my favorite LPs. You know some very good bands have come out of Seattle. I enjoyed living there. I'm glad I bought this LP. Graham you ok. Wow gotta go get the tool box. Man you gotta love vinyl. LOL This acoustic Golden Earring Is great. Jerry you figured out the 2nd song on the TT tapes. LOL Done right even a cheap TT can sound pretty good.
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Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
May bring the deck in here and do a tape. Anyone have some kickin acoustic LPs or CDs. This is live and acoustic. Some very good tunes. Radar Love with drum solo included. He comes the bass. This was the forgotten song at 3 AM on the Interstate at 100 mph. Listening to this just meant I was going to get there that much sooner. Life has been very good to me. 8 miles high. I can circumnavigate that perspective. You get what I mean Vern? Huh Vern you know I'm just messing with you. Being from VA always got the one stupid question. Where are you from? Virginia. Virginia or West Virginia. I would look at them as if they had 2 heads. Then ask what did I say? Stupid. In the United States has anyone ever heard of the Atlantic North East? Raise your hand so we can see it. LOL See there are Stupid Questions. The other saying was just for the Passengers of the little yellow bus. There Are No Stupid Questions. Just stupid people. Ask a stupid question and you will be notified of said question in a very short period of time. Usually with the response of. Do you really hear what your are saying? I have Sold The Bridge in AZ a few times. Always respond with the answer in the form of a question. Am I correct in that assumption. If you could see around the horizon. How many times would you see the moon? Did you know Song Of The South is Racist. LMBO Thinking pf putting a wash tub in the garage with an air drying station to wash records. Now put that in your pipe and smoke it. People are really funny. They think their actions can influence the future. The future is predetermined. You can influence your life through actions or lack there of. It will not change the out come. Everything happens for a reason. In this infinite universe we are nothing but a grain of sand. What were the herbivores and carnivores put here? Wow some stupid questions. LOL To have a good life. You must meet it head on. Not in a forceful way; but by embracing it. You are no better than the homeless person. We all have assets as humans. They may be few and far between. That is when the no ifs ands or buts come in. How hard are you going to look for the positive. You shouldn't have to look. That should be this light bulb. 005.jpg It is a grow light. How appropriate. 727 dropping out of sky. Did I ever tell you I worked on the stones plane . I made the Lead Mech get me Ozium to just get in the cockpit. Disgusting. Rush – Dreamline - Live

Time to partaking of the leak checking of the eyelids. LOL


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Dude!! When I'm doing the air guitar my left hand is where it's supposed to be on the neck, it's the right hand I often lose track of.....................


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
I didn't worry about the big guys, it was them little quiet F&^%%$$#@ that worried me.....


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Perfect music for a very good time. A good time was had by all. I think Boeing will change batteries. Heard an aviation expert say today that fumes were the worst thing. The pilot had O2 hoods. The passengers didn't. Really I thought wonder what are those things that fall down in front of you. I LOL The 787 uses batteries to run more systems. You are only on batteries to get the APU started. 727 you can't run the APU in the air. The gear doors are shut and it is in the wheel well. If you are using batteries you have a lot bigger problem than the batteries. You have some major pucker factor going on. That seat has been sucked up so far it isn't funny. Fuel spill. 40 gals. Crew hit a dump valve. A dump valve is in case you have a problem on take off and have to come back. They are dumping fuel They are 10s of thousands over weight for landing. New plane Chicken pilots. On very much needed systems you will have 2 back ups. 57s have a RAT Ram Air Turbine hydraulic pump. Most you can fly with the APU running. They said it will cost millions to just get approval. They get a field approval and fly again. You have MELs. You don't have to fly with everything working because of the back ups. Minimum Equipment List. Space Trucken again.
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