Ok, so tonight.. I let it play for an hour or so. Sounded just a wee bit "non sweet" (I don't know how to describe.. hehe). Popped the top and rechecked bias - was kind of low at around 330 or so. Removed the inputs and outputs, dialed back up to 380. Sweetness is back.. hmm.. prolly gotta let everything settle in a bit, eh?
I'm waiting for those snotnosed punks down the road with the car stereo to start up ... hehehehehe... "wait til they getta load of me"..
In the meantime, good stuff coming out of the speaks right now.. I have to go find some more good stuff to play..
It's got a nice rubber base that keeps stuff in one place - Unlike the 5 cassettes, a pair of pliers, and miscellaneous other crap that just fell out of my shelf unit a few minutes ago! That there's some amp power!
Got some lights in there now! Need to go with smaller dropping resistors tho, as the LED's are pulling half the current they should (note to self - next time google "LED resistor calculator"). Might leave it alone tho.. Kinda cool the way it is..
Yeah I'm thinking the same thing. Was a real beeotch mounting those LED's and their drop resistors, so I'm not too anxious on repeating it.
Next I think (for grins)... going to see about getting some MJ15024's for drivers to see what it does to the sound characteristics. Just curious... might suit my tastes, eh?
Try the 2SD555's also, could e a sleeper. I should send all variants of drivers used, MJ1800, SJ 2741, RCA-410, 15024's, 21194's, 21196's(if driving the 21`194's) XPL:909 if using MJ's as drivers. All kindsa of combinations.
Got 'em on order plus the MJ's. We'll see how it goes.
Hey Joe - what's the best method of burning (etching) a CCA - the "poor man's" way? I never seem to have much luck with those Rat Shack kits. That'd be a good DYI topic eh? If you think so too and would be obliged to explain futher, kick this post off into a new thread.