Anybody ever have a Cart Re-Tipped?


Chief Journeyman
Aug 3, 2011
I've heard good things about Needlestein. I think if I ever need help in this area I would contact him first. He used to be on AK but something happened there, not sure what.


Veteran and General Yakker
Dec 24, 2019
Strange things do seem to happen on AK from time to time... not unlike a certain tape-centric site whose name will not be mentioned...

WOPL Sniffer

Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 10, 2015
Screw it
I run cheap replacement stylus on my M91ED. They need a little bit more tracking force, but sound good to me. And I'm perfectly happy with a old M91ED on the old AR XB. No reason to upgrade. It is vinyl after all!

Vinyl tends to sound the best out of all media (my opinion), why would I want to buy a cheap copy? If the cheap ones sound the same as a good quality original Stylus (I'm hearing they don't) I probably wouldn't care and stick with a $29 replacement but the vinyl guys are saying the replacements don't sound as good as the ones that were built and tested with the original carts. My 2M Black on the Rega RP6 clone sounds outstanding and I'm anxious to hear how this TT stacks up. It's apples and peaches but with a few different carts to test it against, it should be interesting.

George S.

Veteran and General Yakker
Feb 18, 2020
Vinyl tends to sound the best out of all media (my opinion), why would I want to buy a cheap copy? If the cheap ones sound the same as a good quality original Stylus (I'm hearing they don't) I probably wouldn't care and stick with a $29 replacement but the vinyl guys are saying the replacements don't sound as good as the ones that were built and tested with the original carts. My 2M Black on the Rega RP6 clone sounds outstanding and I'm anxious to hear how this TT stacks up. It's apples and peaches but with a few different carts to test it against, it should be interesting.
I agree. Get the original retipped if you want OEM performance. Or save some money and get a cheap replacement that works. I'm not a audiophile. I don't have the ears or the pristine records.

WOPL Sniffer

Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 10, 2015
Screw it
George, I think even Re-tipping wont bring it all back considering a re-tip can be the cantilever and diamond or????? I'm not going to sweat it. Thanks

WOPL Sniffer

Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 10, 2015
Screw it
If it were as simple as just changing the diamond, that would be the best but some of the tippers say changing that alone can be difficult so screw it.


Veteran and General Yakker
Dec 24, 2019
The current Micro ridge/ micro line elliptical cuts we have these days are superior to all but the best from yesteryear.

If the cantilever is not damaged, a good tech will be able to replace the Diamond alone. But there could be improvements if the cantilever is replaced along with the Diamond.

Like cars: buy the seller. See if they make you feel comfortable that they will do what’s right by your standards.


Chief Journeyman
Oct 8, 2011
I don't like the idea of retipping for 3bills a nail that sold for 50 bucks back in the day. There are better options out there.

Joseph Long, needlestein banned and content removed from ak, cartridge_retipping-5 on ebay. Probably banned for in-thread advertising his services without being a vendor. He has a listing for these cartridges on the bay

Steve at VAS, vas_cartridge_repairs on ebay, Phono Cartridge Repair & Retipping Service | VAS Audio (

Andy at phono cartridge retipping, Services – PHONO CARTRIDGE REPAIR & RETIPPING. (


All are spoken of as being good. I have heard difficulties with some of the Soundsmith work, one resolved, others (Bob's is one of these) not resolved.

Some can scrape the diamond off the cantilever and glue a new one in place. Some can rebuild the cartridge. Most like to replace the cantilever with a diamond attached. The idea of the micro-line being the one to get seems to be the general consensus, unless you need specific diamond for some reason.

There are others around the world. Getting diamond loaded cantilevers and affixing them to the old cartridge. Among other means of refreshing the cartridge.

For the price of a rebuild will the cartridge be better than an AT 540 which seems to be at about the price point of the bay listed option from Joseph. Is the Stanton or Pickering so good that a retip instead of a nice new cartridge isn't gonna be better? I leave that up to you to decide.

I'm saving my use of these guys for the LOMC nails I have that might one day need a refresh. Cheaper by far than replacing it. I'll be going to VAS first, probably driver over with a couple friends for the tour. Let him evaluate all my cartridges for wear when I drop off the ones needing work, the Shelter 501II, SEAC C3, Ortofon MC30Super and return with whatever I have left that is in good condition. I have a few that I know are in good enough shape, but a new viewing would be nice to have.
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WOPL Sniffer

Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 10, 2015
Screw it
I don't like the idea of retipping for 3bills a nail that sold for 50 bucks back in the day. There are better options out there.

Joseph Long, needlestein banned and contented removed from ak, cartridge_retipping-5 on ebay. Probably banned for in-thread advertising his services without being a vendor. He has a listing for these cartridges on the bay

Steve at VAS, vas_cartridge_repairs on ebay, Phono Cartridge Repair & Retipping Service | VAS Audio (

Andy at phono cartridge retipping, Services – PHONO CARTRIDGE REPAIR & RETIPPING. (


All are spoken of as being good. I have heard difficulties with some of the Soundsmith work, one resolved, others (Bob's is one of these) not resolved.

Some can scrape the diamond of the cantilever and glue a new one in place. Some can rebuild the cartridge. Most like to replace the cantilever with a diamond attached. The idea of the micro-line being the one to get seems to be the general consensus, unless you need specific diamond for some reason.

There are others around the world. Getting diamond loaded cantilevers and affixing them to the old cartridge. Among other means of refreshing the cartridge.

For the price of a rebuild will the cartridge be better than an AT 540 which seems to be at about the price point of the bay listed option from Joseph. Is the Stanton or Pickering so good that a retip instead of a nice new cartridge isn't gonna be better? I leave that up to you to decide.

I'm saving my use of these guys for the LOMC nails I have that might one day need a refresh. Cheaper by far than replacing it. I'll be going to VAS first, probably driver over with a couple friends for the tour. Let him evaluate all my cartridges for wear when I drop off the ones needing work, the Shelter 501II, SEAC C3, Ortofon MC30Super and return with whatever I have left that is in good condition. I have a few that I know are in good enough shape, but a new viewing would be nice to have.

Any recommendations for the Micro-Line source? Thanks


Chief Journeyman
Oct 8, 2011
Any recommendations for the Micro-Line source? Thanks
Micro-Line is a name for a narrow elliptical. Standard elliptical was .3x.7 then the .2x.7 showed up, narrower and supposedly sounding better. Then everybody and their brother came out with a special diamond shape, Fritz Gyger, Van den Hul, Shibata and others.

The Shibata is a very thin edge that rides the groove so it has the ability to track and reproduce the 45,000Hz of the Quad records of whatever type. We don't need that and some say it is harder to set up correctly, keeping it so that left and right sides track the same part of the groove at the same time instead of one side being a step ahead.

Any of the fine line, micro line, or whatever would be the one folks are enjoying these days without going as far as the Shibata.

Phono Cartridge Stylus Shapes | HFA - The Independent Source for Audio Equipment Reviews (

I would think that all the retippers offer something in this line of nails. Then you have to decide on the cantilever material.
Tapered Aluminum
Aluminum tube
used to have beryllium but who knows, dangerous to breath but it might be some other reason we don't see it much anymore.

Talk to your retipper for their recommendations. No reason to put a Diamond cantilever and a super performance shaped diamond on an AT10. I guess you get in for about 250 and get the best for 450-500 or so. Same work different cantilever and diamond.


Veteran and General Yakker
Dec 24, 2019
Ruby/sapphire cantilevers are not a performance upgrade from aluminum. They do cost more however.

Borin is the hot ticket but not many guys globally can deal with it. Tapered aluminum is awesome too but most are straight aluminum.

I think a good stone properly installed will sound fantastic.


Chief Journeyman
Oct 8, 2011
Ruby/sapphire cantilevers are not a performance upgrade from aluminum
No way I'd rather have a chunk of aluminum in place of the ruby cantilever in my 23R. First it would be junk and second it would need to be called the 23A.

As far as replacement cantilevers I'm not up on what is good other than boron. Don't know if tapered aluminum is offered. The Soundsmith retipped F9e was done with ruby, long slender. Mark owned that one until he heard a moving coil and sold it quickly.