phase linear 400


May 28, 2021
Warrenville, IL
Not to rub it in Gene, but I just sat down in my recliner, threw on Sticky Fingers on vinyl and cracked a beer after a long day. The separation and soundstage are absolutely incredible. Not sure whether that is due to the dual mono or full complimentary setup, but it's by far the best sounding setup I've ever owned. I'm glad I went full WOPL. I had intended to do a few stock 700b's, but now I'm questioning that.

George S.

Veteran and General Yakker
Feb 18, 2020
not the first time i have been told that....
but, it looks like it is not feasible....
i thought it was a published from joe on how to utilize the existing back plane with his board and transistors...
the last post i think sums it up....i i dont have specific directions...i expect trouble....
hang on sniff....the fat lady is still in her where ready to sing yet...
The WOAD control board can be built for either quasi or full complementary outputs. Depends on how the builder populates the board. Comprehensive instructions are included in a PDF.

Vintage 700b

Chief Journeyman
Mar 13, 2019
Hello Gene,

Like Jerry, I have been hanging back watching this saga unfold for now 57 pages! I will share a bit of my WOPL experience with you as well. I fell in love with the Phase Linear components when they came out. All through college I lusted for a 700b after hearing one that an affluent friend had purchased.

I could never afford one, but was very handy with a wrench. I had a chance to build a 1959 Panhead motor and transmission for a guy’s chopper in exchange for an almost new 700b. It was a 1976 700b, and I built the drivetrain for him, even up swap, in 1978. That was the only way I could “afford” a 700 back then. I still have that 700b and it is the flagship of my system, completely gutted, and fully WOPL’d. I joined the forum several years ago and had tucked away two 700b’s, and other “projects” to refurbish once I had time to do it. When Joe announced the Dual Mono board and the backplane assembly had proven itself, I pulled the trigger on the White Oak components. I never looked back!!!!

I have done 3 complete WOPL 700b’s and cannot emphasize the quality, and genius that is in these boards. I have repaired a lot of junk, brought it back from the dead, repairing pulled traces, and dealing with cheap components. The quality that Joe puts into every phase of the components, and the support you will get from the masters we have on board here is second to none! The boards are amazing, design, fit, finish, and overall layout. I had to build my own, as I have done with so many things in my life. There are some fellows here that are incredible to work with, and truly the best. Several have been mentioned to you, that would build exceptional boards for you. I built my own, and gained an intimate understanding of Joe’s design. Several family members were close by when I tackled my first backplane boards. I said out loud “this is freakin’ genius”, at one point. They all laugh now about how much I enjoyed that first experience….and the second….and the third. The proof is in the puddin’, and I listen to that 700b I traded for way back in 78, every day. Honestly, I have heard things on vinyl I have owned for over 50 years that I never did before. It literally puts an ear-to-ear grin on my face at least once a day, because I will hear a little bell in the background, or a singer breathe, a brush on the cymbals. The Dual Mono concept has to be heard to be appreciated. I listen to a lot of older 50’s and 60’s LP’s that are Mono. They have never sounded so good as with these amps, it puts the music in a class by itself. So as others have said (thank you Perry, and Jerry, rest of the gang) going the full WOPL treatment is a path you will never regret, it is that good.

There I couldn’t hang back anymore! Good luck Gene, really enjoy your posts.

gene french

Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 6, 2022
guayabo de bagaces, guanacaste, costa rica....
music...the healer of souls...
Not to rub it in Gene, but I just sat down in my recliner, threw on Sticky Fingers on vinyl and cracked a beer after a long day. The separation and soundstage are absolutely incredible. Not sure whether that is due to the dual mono or full complimentary setup, but it's by far the best sounding setup I've ever owned. I'm glad I went full WOPL. I had intended to do a few stock 700b's, but now I'm questioning that.
go ahead...rub it problem....i need to hear it all....i am like a mule starving to death between two bales of hay....
sometime you need the cold

gene french

Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 6, 2022
guayabo de bagaces, guanacaste, costa rica....
music...the healer of souls...
Hello Gene,

Like Jerry, I have been hanging back watching this saga unfold for now 57 pages! I will share a bit of my WOPL experience with you as well. I fell in love with the Phase Linear components when they came out. All through college I lusted for a 700b after hearing one that an affluent friend had purchased.

I could never afford one, but was very handy with a wrench. I had a chance to build a 1959 Panhead motor and transmission for a guy’s chopper in exchange for an almost new 700b. It was a 1976 700b, and I built the drivetrain for him, even up swap, in 1978. That was the only way I could “afford” a 700 back then. I still have that 700b and it is the flagship of my system, completely gutted, and fully WOPL’d. I joined the forum several years ago and had tucked away two 700b’s, and other “projects” to refurbish once I had time to do it. When Joe announced the Dual Mono board and the backplane assembly had proven itself, I pulled the trigger on the White Oak components. I never looked back!!!!

I have done 3 complete WOPL 700b’s and cannot emphasize the quality, and genius that is in these boards. I have repaired a lot of junk, brought it back from the dead, repairing pulled traces, and dealing with cheap components. The quality that Joe puts into every phase of the components, and the support you will get from the masters we have on board here is second to none! The boards are amazing, design, fit, finish, and overall layout. I had to build my own, as I have done with so many things in my life. There are some fellows here that are incredible to work with, and truly the best. Several have been mentioned to you, that would build exceptional boards for you. I built my own, and gained an intimate understanding of Joe’s design. Several family members were close by when I tackled my first backplane boards. I said out loud “this is freakin’ genius”, at one point. They all laugh now about how much I enjoyed that first experience….and the second….and the third. The proof is in the puddin’, and I listen to that 700b I traded for way back in 78, every day. Honestly, I have heard things on vinyl I have owned for over 50 years that I never did before. It literally puts an ear-to-ear grin on my face at least once a day, because I will hear a little bell in the background, or a singer breathe, a brush on the cymbals. The Dual Mono concept has to be heard to be appreciated. I listen to a lot of older 50’s and 60’s LP’s that are Mono. They have never sounded so good as with these amps, it puts the music in a class by itself. So as others have said (thank you Perry, and Jerry, rest of the gang) going the full WOPL treatment is a path you will never regret, it is that good.

There I couldn’t hang back anymore! Good luck Gene, really enjoy your posts.
i too had a 59 panhead but had installed it on a 42 hard tail frame...a whopping 66 hp....made the grand mistake of putting a beautiful peanut gas tank....could not make the nearest big town that was 35 miles away....without filling up .... and ended up wearing a kidney belt...that thing would kill you...had the suicide clutch with the jockey shift....only god knows how i survived those rid of that thing...when i went off to lsu main and i did not get along too well, not that any of you can understand why???...and i left home at 17...sometimes actually slept on picnic tables...but, i finished .... worked in the game room in the bowling alley repairing the machines on the night shift to the tune of 44 hours per week....and attended classes in the day....would not take a million bucks for that experience....actually sold plasma twice a week for 5 bucks each trip...and picked up coke bottles....whatever for some beer

what a tribute you paid ....thank you so much for your opinions and experiences..sorry to disappoint....but i can not settle for letting someone else have the pleasure of building my system....i am sure there are many out there more talented than i ever dreamed i could be...however, i will do it...certainly that can be understood....especially by those that know that feeling of accomplishment....and i truly dont always muck things\

doesnt the beer taste better abebar, knowing you muscled through it yourself??? and not without errors....and got all the support you needed here on phoenix to get you over the rough spots??? doesnt valeria sound nicer knowing you took good care of her!!!

i guess now i am torn between going the full mile or taking baby steps....doing the board first getting it working and then tackling the back george of the jungle suggested!!!!
i dont think either would be wrong...i have enough matched transistors to repopulate the outputs...but i am positive i have gremlins on the 400c driver board on the left channel....i do need a couple of driver was fried...and i dont trust the, i would change one side....
however....getting it all shipped in one service charge....would save me some pocket change....
i feel sure you guys and joe would give me all of the support a man could ask for....a whole bunch of you have stepped forward trying to make sure ole hardheaded gene makes the right decision....if there is truly such a thing....i believe what does not kill us only makes us stronger....and i am richer from my experiences....i can certainly tell you things that you should not
how bout that sniff....see....i aint forgot you...and i still love ya!!! you are writing these lame ones down....i can feel
your post was a wonderful post and certainly makes all proud....i SINCERELY APPRECIATE all of the interest you guys have shown to make sure that i end up musically fulfilled....and not in the poor
what do y'all time shot....shoot the moon...for those who play rook....or one day at a time....with the board guys would know better....i feel sure that if it was the other way around...i would NOT use the board i have on a new backplane and full complimentary transistors....
is it safe to put the new board on the old outputs.... a buddy has offered me a couple of driver transistors....and
i still have the sx1080 that has a beautiful tone, along with the cambridge audio and phase linear not like i dont have the time to do it right...
and still have our music to pass our day....
that way i can have my cake and eat it your pencil sniff...that was for you!!!!

Vintage 700b

Chief Journeyman
Mar 13, 2019
I still ride a 48FL (Pan) that I have owned for 50 years. Bought it as a hardtail chopper in '72, swapped the frame for a stock 48 double wishbone in '78. Set up as a bobber now, stock springer, police solo seat, mechanical brakes! Goes like hell, stops with a prayer.
It's my favorite bike, tank shift, foot clutch, hardtail, magneto. I've been building and riding them for over 50 years. I only own one bike with an electric leg, a twin cam bagger. It's like cruising on the living room couch! Spring is here finally, short riding season here. It's what I do when I am not listening to the WOPL 700b. Ride safe.


May 28, 2021
Warrenville, IL
My first Harley was a V-rod. Loved that bike but I couldn't ride it like a normal person. It red lined at 9k and wasn't really fun to ride until you were up over 5k, so I was screaming through five gears everywhere I went. Couldn't (or wouldn't) keep it in double digit speeds. Had to get rid of it.


gene french

Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 6, 2022
guayabo de bagaces, guanacaste, costa rica....
music...the healer of souls...
i remember my last big adventure in the world of two wheels....i was not really a biker...just a guy that was fascinated with then came bronson...
i was on the back roads in cheneyville louisiana heading to a friends house....i had on a t shirt cutoffs no shoes and the helmet was on the sissy bar...
i thought that was a good place to keep it....i notice a pickup behind me so i figured a friendly race was in store....and it we were....however, there was a hairpin turn on the route that a car would squeal the tires at 25mph and fishtail a bit...well, i hit that sucker at 50+....had the bike laid down on the left side...was doing great until the primary chain cover hit the was a hard tail...and very low to start with....lost traction....i looked at the pecan orchard on my right and the pavement beneath me...i picked the orchard....straighten up...regained traction....went thru the ditch...thats when me and the bike parted company....i was thrown over the handle bars....i remember wondering if i would ever stop rolling...well, i did after half an hour or so...or so it seemed....when i stood up...i noticed that my tshirt was ripped off...but, at least i was in one piece...the bike stayed near the ditch beside a telephone pole...and was still running...the guys in the truck came a runnin....shut off the bike and checked me out pretty cracked the frame...removed the headlight assembly and broke off the kick starter...anyway...they helped me get the bike back on the road...since i was barefooted one of the guys in the truck had on combat boots and was able to step on the stub left for a kick starter....and get er cranked up....with parts tied on the bike with the wires from the headlight...i limped to my destination where my buddy welded the cracked frame and kick starter that point...i decided i preferred 4 wheels on my vehicles...and sold the bike to one of my college professors for 600 bucks...this was around 1970 ish...i realized my judgement sometimes departed my essence....and i needed a more stable platform....or recondition my you can see...i still drive on 4 thinking had to survive on its
my buddy did a full restore on the bike and rode it for years....i dont really miss
my brother rides...he has two...but, i dont keep up with the models etc as i used to...i know he put a stage 2 kit in one of the motors...i think he said it was an evolution motor....dont really recall...i was worried about him....he doesnt have too much more sense than i do...
he said it was the most hp you could get without a total motor tear was fast...he too doesnt ride any more and keeps the two bikes on his front porch...
he refused to sell them....i guess he prefers them to decorative plants ....they are a conversation starter for whoever drives up...he has 3 barns on the place, but wants to keep them on the front each his own...

still waiting on a reply from joe to finalize the purchase .... i think i am going full bore...the whole banana...the entire enchelada...etc

gene french

Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 6, 2022
guayabo de bagaces, guanacaste, costa rica....
music...the healer of souls...
hey...thats what a forum is for...the hijack was a welcome distraction/attraction...
i am but a guest here....all comments are welcomed by me...i just started the post...i dont own
i kinda like the war stories...brings back so many episodes that only god knows how i survived....