An other boomer soon to leave the barn


Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 13, 2014
Very good eyes there Everyone. One is hard to see ,it’s the meter power supply now has a resettable fuse in the terminal strip. Also the standoffs for the DCP board are longer and have shrink tape over them.

I did not have much time today but I got the front wiring done and finished up those resistors on the meter switch. Then powered it up on the dim bulb and finally full power. Got in one row of drivers. I hope to finish up tomorrow and play some tunes.


Veteran and General Yakker
Apr 12, 2012
Yeah, I've got a list too Dennis..
I pulled this from the Buy/Sell/Trade Forum. See forum for wire porn photos.

The single conductor insulated wire will be sold in packages of 10 colors in 10 feet lengths (unless noted) for each color so the cost per gauge will be 100 times the cost per foot. The colors are black, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, gray and white.

26 AWG - 0.13 per foot - $13.00
24 AWG - 0.15 per foot - $15.00
22 AWG - 0.17 per foot - $17.00
20 AWG - 0.21 per foot - $21.00
18 AWG - 0.32 per foot - $32.00
16 AWG - 0.38 per foot - $38.00
14 AWG - 0.62 per foot - $62.00

12 AWG - 0.84 per foot - $42.00 (five colors in 10 foot lengths - black, red, green, blue and white.

20 AWG Twisted Shielded Pair - 0.89 per foot - $8.90 (ten foot length)
20 AWG Shielded Single Conductor - 0.52 per foot - $5.20 (ten foot length)

The kits listed above are offered at 25% a reduction until they are gone. I know most of you want custom lengths and not all ten colors. Those are still offered at the per foot cost listed above with custom cuts and wire color(s) of choice. I'd prefer a minimum of 10 feet per color if possible. Hop this all makes sense.