Here is a photo of some speakers I've been building from a kit - the Philharmonic Audio BMR speaker. You can find the kit here -
And a review here:
I enjoy making a pile of sawdust from time to time and my woodworking skills are just enough that I'm able to make anything as long as you like the rustic look. I'll end up painting these cabinets - staining is out of the question due to imperfections in the cabinets. Veneering would be an option - I've done it in the past, but it's more time, money, effort than I'm willing to spend.
And a review here:
I enjoy making a pile of sawdust from time to time and my woodworking skills are just enough that I'm able to make anything as long as you like the rustic look. I'll end up painting these cabinets - staining is out of the question due to imperfections in the cabinets. Veneering would be an option - I've done it in the past, but it's more time, money, effort than I'm willing to spend.