I do not run a shield but maybe I have lucked out with transformers that are very quiet.
In the PL700, I run the AC across the backplane boards midships, just south of the thermal cutout switches.
The white (neutral) and black (hot) run across the entire span of both backplane boards. The neutral hops to/from the thermal cutout switches are very short.
On the left side of the right channel backplane, the jacketed wires running to the bottom of the amp between the left and right backplane are the black wire runs to the front panel AC switch. I find this orientation to be the shortest overall run to the power switch by doing it like this. I also keep that sheathed pair separate from the remaining bundles of wires.
Then the run is across the left channel backplane to the right hand side of the transformer where the AC leads turn south and run to the bottom of the transformer, then across the bottom and then up to the AC junction block. Again, the neutral hops to the thermal cutout switches are very short.
All AC wire is M22759/11-18. It lays cleanly and neatly.
All this wiring lays neatly right on the backplanes and crosses critical input traces on the board at 90 degrees. Neatness and careful wire dress counts to having a quiet amp.