Heh..Heh, The 850 Spyder was not exactly a high performance sports car. But it was a rag top & a stick shift.
I look on Craigs List now & then and they are not cheap anymore. Neither are Opel GT's or Pinto's. I'll just have to be content with the 8 vehicles I have now. Unless I see a bargain. I recently bought an 18 foot car hauler trailer to bring more junk home! I'll have to google the coupe. My first car was a Sunbeam. I had to go to Canada to find parts!

Really, a Fiat 850 Spyder?
I had a 1960 something 850 coupe for a while in the late 1970's - 843cc's - 47hp.
I had a 1960 something 850 coupe for a while in the late 1970's - 843cc's - 47hp.