Yesterday I found a couple of to me, obscure ones. Walter Egan rang a faint bell and after playing, there are actually two tracks I renember hearing on the radio. I was not into soft rock in 1977 but listened both sides today and it's a really good album. Lindsay Buckingham produced and contributed as did Stevie Nicks and Mick Fleetwood.
This week they've been promoting Boz Scaggs upcoming small local venue shows so his name was on my mind when I spotted this one. I've had Silk Degrees since release and only got it because I liked Lido Shuffle. Never heard of him before and paid no attention to anything after. This one is older (1971) and I was curious since Glyn Johns was co-producer. It's not what I was expecting, it's better. More visceral, less embellished.
Who knew Boz Scaggs was the vocalist and guitar player on two early Steve Miller albums? I didn't.