I have no idea on the remotes.
I asked him, and never really got an answer.
I doubt they are there, as he listed the amps and the power cords on the UPS information, but no remotes... I have no idea what will show up.
I hope they are not in terrible condition and hope they both work. I thought we were lucky to get them. I'm sure I was a pest with the seller. I tried to stay in touch with him (he was out of town) and let him know I was serious and would pay when he told me how he wanted to get the money...and also told him I would sweeten the deal if needed to secure them.
Hopefully we will be happy campers after they arrive.
I really need a great phono section now...and wish I could get this MC thing out of my system...(not my sound system)
I am wondering if I am missing anything. I LOVE my Acutex cartridges, but wonder what the whole MC thing is all about..and if I am missing anything...
So, should I get a Parks Audio Budgie? And one of his Cinemag SUTs?