An other day and an other $130 into this project. I got custom color enamel to match the original chassis color and sheen. Had it put in 8 spray cans, so I'm good for life now.
Well one can filled with custom enamel paint was $45 with a bunch left over so I said put it all in cans and got the bill when I picked up of $115 plus taxes. So 8 cans are done at $14.50 or so eaach
i guess I will Ebay them as special phase linear chassis paint..
Thanks Lee
The original wiring was a disaster. The sound path will have all new wiring in #12 mostly.
The the paint was more prep work than I wanted but is always the case. After preping the parts and coating once I had to bring out the air powered orbital sander.
there apre two large yellow caps I the high frequency circuit that do not belong. As this was probable a prototype have no idea why they are there anyone got a idea, Ed?.
there apre two large yellow caps I the high frequency circuit that do not belong. As this was probable a prototype have no idea why they are there anyone got a idea, Ed?.