So after Lee's question I retested
first I checked my resistor and found it was actually 7.22 ohms
so at 100 , 20 and 12 Hz the amp put out 57 volts steady before clip with one Chanel only driven
this should be 450 watts at 7.22 ohms
Thanks Dennis
Yes I put heat shrink on the standoffs
I elevated the standoffs and spaced control board by about an extra 3/8"
speakers tomorrow and will let you know how it goes
Speakers tomorrow Lee
let you know how they sound
after heating it up for a while on dummy load has left me feeling like it should be good to rock and roll with this amp
Lee I am not happy with distortion results
My hp 334a is old and have not used in many years
It fired up ok
I got .18 % distortion at 50 volts at 200 hz
so followed the service manual and the best I could do was .08% at 40 volts and 2000 hz
I would like better so may take the hp and clean all pots and contacts as it would not quite null signal in setup
Yes , the amp is capable of less than that. A residual noise measurement is with one of those fancy voltmeters ya got with the inputs on the amp shorted, then measure AC voltage. Should be in the 200 to 400 MICROvolts...
Yes , the amp is capable of less than that. A residual noise measurement is with one of those fancy voltmeters ya got with the inputs on the amp shorted, then measure AC voltage. Should be in the 200 to 400 MICROvolts...
I have being dying to do something different with them
still thinking about the distortion measurements
I am got to test an other amp to see if they differ
Yes , the amp is capable of less than that. A residual noise measurement is with one of those fancy voltmeters ya got with the inputs on the amp shorted, then measure AC voltage. Should be in the 200 to 400 MICROvolts...