Aka 'the slabs' per Lee 
We all have opinions and favorites when it comes to speakers, many of you know I Love electrostats and Martin Logans above all else. They are not for everyone, they need a big room and monster amplification that is stable in a low ohm load (1.5 ohms on some models) and high current that is extremely fast. I've done some research and was looking at the new flagship models...very,very pricey!! Then the owner of the ML forums offered me his pair of Summits for $5,000, these were the flagship from a couple years ago...a review http://www.hi-fiworld.co.uk/index.php/loudspeakers/65-reviews/650-martin-logan-summit-x.html
I'm very excited to be able to get some 'stats back in my life, my partner John thinks I'm nuts but will tolerate them in the living room (I think they're gorgeous!!!). Still, that's a hellova lot of money for speakers. the room is 16' x 27' which might be a tad small for them and I'll have to get some dedicated/true grounded outlets installed to plug them into.

We all have opinions and favorites when it comes to speakers, many of you know I Love electrostats and Martin Logans above all else. They are not for everyone, they need a big room and monster amplification that is stable in a low ohm load (1.5 ohms on some models) and high current that is extremely fast. I've done some research and was looking at the new flagship models...very,very pricey!! Then the owner of the ML forums offered me his pair of Summits for $5,000, these were the flagship from a couple years ago...a review http://www.hi-fiworld.co.uk/index.php/loudspeakers/65-reviews/650-martin-logan-summit-x.html
I'm very excited to be able to get some 'stats back in my life, my partner John thinks I'm nuts but will tolerate them in the living room (I think they're gorgeous!!!). Still, that's a hellova lot of money for speakers. the room is 16' x 27' which might be a tad small for them and I'll have to get some dedicated/true grounded outlets installed to plug them into.

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