I want the tape deck you promised me November 9, 2013. I'm sad that I have to yank your chain in the first place. I'm happy to finish everything but you keep telling me you're gonna do this and it just goes away. I've been fairly good and worked hard enough for everyone here and it hurts to have this tape deck dangling in my face...and I lost over $100 on two busted Pioneer decks that I paid for in February.
Maybe you can't really do much about that but I've really been looking forward to one of the best cassette decks I could ever hope to own. I've stuck it out through all of your crises, tax times, illnesses and vacations. I don't have vacations-I can't even afford a few bucks to buy stuff at karaoke as it's not free to get John in there to jockey and some weeks are pretty dead.
That's all I wanted was a really nice tape deck I could USE out of the box. That wasn't too much, was it?
You probably haven't even sent the postage allowance anyway.
I've said my 2 cents on it. I can't understand why I'm ignored a lot unless I raise a stink, it's stupid and I don't like doing it either.