Sure, you and Lee pay 'tention. You know how you have two plastic thingies on the near end of the cable? You need the splitter - don't mess with it. The preceding thingy is just a junction box - if you open it up, you will that it just makes a connection. Cut it off, throw it away, and being careful to have the correct wires in the correct place, solder the connection. At the far end, the grey box on the side of the house, do the same thing. Take the wires off the screw terminals and solder them. Simple, but you should notice an increase in speed right away. Over time, as oxidation would have set in, you should be more and more ahead of the game. Also, keep the phone line from the splitter to the modem AS SHORT AS POSSIBLE. Mine was like three inches long, and it doesn't hurt to keep the DSL line as short as possible too. That's very basic, and yeah, I've 'splained it on Phoenix before...
BTW, Fitz, is that you on that Segway?