I'm having a hard time tryin' to find the defintative version, this one is nice, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YycFEtLVT4 , I don't think there's ever been two prettier voices on stage at the same time.
I do believe Chris was. The long version is the "only" version in my book. That's what makes the whole video. The beginning where it looks like your typical band lipsyncing, etc. to the music. Then, about 1/4 the way through the song, it goes to a "real" video trying to get the message across. Great video!
I do believe Chris was. The long version is the "only" version in my book. That's what makes the whole video. The beginning where it looks like your typical band lipsyncing, etc. to the music. Then, about 1/4 the way through the song, it goes to a "real" video trying to get the message across. Great video!
Never pass a chance to see Tommy Emanuel, by far one of the greatest guitarists ever, I missed him here and it is one of my greatest regrets that I will fix. Anything of his from Center Stage is fantastic
I have Kashmir playing from that broadcast as well at the moment...
Craig, if you aren't going to get Led Zep themselves, Heart is the very best you can get. Those ladies eat, sleep and breathe LZ like they married them.