I have not heard of Shpongle......is it contagious? The sound system was really pretty decent. Took a couple songs for them to dial it in, but after that, was pretty damn good......or all the pot smoke in the air overtook my sense of hearing
I fix the machines that you get Cataract surgery with. Both laser and ultrasonic. I have some accounts to hit for their annual PM's.
They keep me penned up down in the southwest corner of Denver....nestled right up to the foothills. I cover CO, WY, Western NB and KS, North and South Dakota.....I have an account in Boise.....and then we lost a guy in the Midwest so my boss knowing I love to fish sends me to MN, OH, and MI. I was born and raised on a lake in MI and still have family and property up
there so he always makes sure it is over a weekend so I can go see my mom and brothers.
The sound system was really pretty decent. Took a couple songs for them to dial it in, but after that, was pretty damn good......or all the pot smoke in the air overtook my sense of hearing
To the bat cave stat boy wonder!!!! We will call her a diamond in the rough....with a big emphasis on rough. Apparently...like most women in my life, she has a couple loose screws that fell out on the way.....she had them all when she left. She passed muster per my faithful lab assistant....lets add some power........