So.....I stumbled across a 700B in my adventures in MN (I live in Denver) for work and purchased it Monday night after work. Caught completely off guard for shipping, I ran by a Fed-Ex Pack and Ship Tuesday morning on way to airport. You can already tell where this is going.....right?? Not even a chance!!!
So the store manger checks in my new-to-me amp and prints my overnight by 10:30 AM delivery label and takes the label and my amp into the back for packaging. I collect my receipt and I fly home as excited as a kid on Christmas Eve.....dreams of building my very own WOPL 700 all swirling thru my brain.....even overpowering all the other chemicals I may have inadvertently stored up their in my frivolous youth. Back on track.....I got up early Weds morning and drove two hours away to do a quick job, and received a email update telling me to get my butt home.......there is a new toy waiting on the porch. I outran four motorcycle cops, 2 helicopters, and a swarm of troopers and deputies in my 300mph race home. As I walk up to the door, I spy with my wandering eye, a box that was maybe 14 by 14 by 14 and weighing in at all of 2 pounds even drenched in the adrenaline charged sweat pouring out of me. I looked and it had the label I printed in MN on it.......crap........I am still crying. Those freaking idiots put my label on the wrong box. I have a email showing they received a 53 pound box from me and the next update shows a 6lbs package enroute. Wish I had noticed that right away. I alerted Fed-Ex post hastily and am now waiting for that box to be delivered to the wrong person in hopes that they will call it in. Apparently they can't go back and check the log for a 53 pound gorilla of a box leaving that store and and pair it with the tracking number it was assigned and figure out where it is headed. No no, that can't be that simple. I opened the box that I received (what's behind curtain 2 Monty?) in hopes that there was maybe an invoice with a name or phone number or something...or at least the Hope diamond in there. Nope. Nothing. 2 freaking bags of Carmel popcorn from MN Candy Company. I lost in this deal "yuge"!!!!!!