I was wondering how to tell what year my PL 400 was built? The serial number is 4277 on the transformer. Transistors are XPL909 with 7452,
and SJ2741 with 7439 on them.
View attachment 31495
I'm interested to learn from the experts too.
I have a 4 fin PL400 with SN 343-323 and I was informed:
First digit = month
2nd digit = first numeral in power amp model number
3rd digit = last number of build year
The 3 number suffix denoted it's spot in the production run for that month.
In my case, the 323rd PL400 amplifier built in March of 1973.
Maybe your example, with 4 digits and no hyphen, means a different numbering system was in place?
As it happens, I also have a 700B (too heavy and awkward to move at the moment) and the original board was date stamped May, 1974. I've intended for some time to have a look at the SN just to see if it's SN fits the formula.