what are you listening to?

Nov 15, 2021
near Liverpool, NY
Lifelong student / listening = bliss
This is amazing!

(Insert 'Off the beaten path' caution here)

Speaking of unconventional yet gifted guitar players, in my humble opinion Buckethead seems a bit quirky yet plays at the savant level.

Buckethead wiki photo (good).jpg

(ie: *always* wears a mask & a KFC bucket on his head...but if you close your eyes all you hear is serious talent.) At the same time, if you go down the Buckethead rabbit hole, you will find that he's played a prodigious amount of music, all different genres to boot. Q: Does this make him a Prodigious Savant? Check out this video & hear/see for yourself!

FWIW I find the following video a great timesaving life hack when I need to recharge my internal mental health battery bank with at least *7* Zeppelin tunes...but only have ~5 1/2 minutes left in my schedule...with a nice little Star Wars intro thrown in for good measure. NOTE: Be sure to check the drummer ("Brain") out - he does the best John Bonham cover of anyone I've heard - as you can see from the screen snap he really winds up where it's needed. At some points in the video I actually kinda feel sorry for the drum kit - awesome!

Without further ado, here is a classic that used to be named 'Zeppelin con Carne':

Buckethead Zeppelin con Carne(opt).jpg

...and even if you don't consider yourself to be a Zep connoisseur, forward this link to any Zeppelin friends that you have & ask them what they think about it. The ones that get around may have already heard it...the serious ones probably downloaded it so that they can play it in the kitchen while treating themselves to some tasty mexican food.

PS - Watch the crowd as the band kept surprising them -- few things are better than getting to attend great live music & something like this happens...
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Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Driving around the cold, snowy oilfield today. Geabgwd a couple of some older CD's I haven't heard in awhile....
Pousette-Dart Band..
PDB #3
Fred should know these folks, a Louisiana band.. here's a cut off #3

If you've never heard PDB, you're in for a treat, they were my anthem band through the 70's and early 80's


Staff member
May 15, 2011
Sterling, MA
Old 'Arn Enthusiast
(Insert 'Off the beaten path' caution here)

Speaking of unconventional yet gifted guitar players, in my humble opinion Buckethead seems a bit quirky yet plays at the savant level.

View attachment 57326

(ie: *always* wears a mask & a KFC bucket on his head...but if you close your eyes all you hear is serious talent.) At the same time, if you go down the Buckethead rabbit hole, you will find that he's played a prodigious amount of music, all different genres to boot. Q: Does this make him a Prodigious Savant? Check out this video & hear/see for yourself!

FWIW I find the following video a great timesaving life hack when I need to recharge my internal mental health battery bank with at least *7* Zeppelin tunes...but only have ~5 1/2 minutes left in my schedule...with a nice little Star Wars intro thrown in for good measure. NOTE: Be sure to check the drummer ("Brain") out - he does the best John Bonham cover of anyone I've heard - as you can see from the screen snap he really winds up where it's needed. At some points in the video I actually kinda feel sorry for the drum kit - awesome!

Without further ado, here is a classic that used to be named 'Zeppelin con Carne':

View attachment 57325

...and even if you don't consider yourself to be a Zep connoisseur, forward this link to any Zeppelin friends that you have & ask them what they think about it. The ones that get around may have already heard it...the serious ones probably downloaded it so that they can play it in the kitchen while treating themselves to some tasty mexican food.

PS - Watch the crowd as the band kept surprising them -- few things are better than getting to attend great live music & something like this happens...
My younger brother saw Buckethead in concert. Said it was good for the first song and then it just became repetitious after that.
Nov 15, 2021
near Liverpool, NY
Lifelong student / listening = bliss
Gepetto, I can certainly believe it - when live music is right and there's a connection between the performer and the audience, there's magic. I've gone to a lot of live blues, jazz, & rock over the years, and I'll bet that 1/3 of the concerts were fantastic, (man I'm so glad I decided to chance it) 1/3 are toe-tapping good (no harm, no foul, better than staying at home) ...and then the final 1/3 where it's just grating on the nerves. I used to tough it out, but I'm getting to old to abuse myself like that. If it ain't right, I'm outta sight.

And it's not just the choice of which band to see. For example, the very 1st time I saw Van Halen it was a summer jam in Kansas City. (In the Royals stadium IIRC.) Anyway, it was one of those 10 bands in 12 hours events in the middle of summer, an aural all-you-can-hear kinda thing. I remember going to see 1 or 2 of the headliners, and whatever else happened happened. I had never heard Van Halen before, they were just starting out, and were obviously one of the filler acts. But wait a minute - they blew all the other bands away with their sheer energy & musicianship!

OK, a couple of years later they were headlining their own concert, so I made sure to get my ticket right when they went on sale.. (About a 1/2 day's pay after taxes back then, guess I was seriously undervalued I reckon. :0) When the day arrived, I made sure I was early enough that I didn't miss a note, for by then they had a couple of albums out and they were the toast of the local FM radio stations.

So they get on stage, and strangely enough they look to be slightly unsure & unsteady. Stage fright? That doesn't make any sense. The first song they play was not very cohesive, nothing like the 1st concert -- I mean they're all playing, but not really together. So I'm thinking that maybe they just need to warm up a bit & sync up. Nope, the longer they played the worse it sounded. After about the 4th song David Lee Roth told us that some sort of court/legal issue in another state was decided in their favor earlier that day, and they had been celebrating.

They weren't suffering from allergies...they were stumbling drunk. Halfway into the next song, for the time ever in my concert going, I left in disgust. Man, to say that I was disappointed would be an understatement.


So it's a crapshoot, just like everything else. On the other end of the scale, you get to discover new (to you) talent, and every time you go to see them they *bring it*, like it's the last show that they will ever get to play. For example, at a Syracuse NY State Blues Fest, the opening act was a blues guitarist by the name of Toronzo Cannon. The day is warm, but the crowd is stone cold, so he's there as the sacrificial warm-up band before the popular acts come on stage. Well, here's the very first song he played - was going to do it "The Chicago Way"

Anyway, the guitarist starts off on stage, but halfway through the song he comes down & sings & plays while wandering around the crowd.
NY blues fest Toronzo Cannon peggy(opt).jpg
(Easter egg alert: At ~7:50 Toronzo makes it back to where Peggy & I are standing. I'm the guy wearing the American Flag on my shirt, and Peggy has a brilliant shock of pure white hair.)

Peggy is kind of reserved, especially if she doesn't know you that well. Too bad, Toronzo plays right to her for a short while, and then he turns & heads back to the stage. By the end of his set the crowd was eating ouf of his hand. Afterwards, I kept telling Peggy just how great it was to have the guitarist play to her, and she kept saying that he didn't.

Time passes. Like a couple of years. We were going to see Toronzo play again...so of course I wondered aloud if he was going to play to her again. "Well, he didn't really play to me the last time, blah blah blah." On a whim, I jumped on the computer and started poking around...saw this video, and when I saw Peggy in it I started laughing so hard that she thought I was having a seizure in the office.

I said to her, "You don't use the computer, you don't use email, you don't have a FaceSpace account...and you still manage to get yourself into a music video on YouTube. Amazing."


You know, I get to enjoy a "I told you so" moment about once a decade.

It was worth the wait.

And his 2nd concert was also in the top 1/3 category. So yeah, Buckethead mustn't have been feeling it that night, or maybe he was and there was just too much of a bad SWR between crowd & band. It happens, especially when humans are involved. ;0)

No guarantees in life...even with something as cool as music.

(Wait a minute, I've heard that the White Oak products are the real deal, you can't go wrong! The anticipation is building over here! :0)

Anyway, so that's what I'm listening to tonight...

Cheers -
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Nov 15, 2021
near Liverpool, NY
Lifelong student / listening = bliss
Soul Coughing Betty Boop I'm rolling(opt).jpg

Whoever A) was inspired to combine an old Betty Boop cartoon with the band Soul Coughing AND, B) make it look like this was the original soundtrack for this cartoon is both very creative & a bit scary. Honestly I don't know what I like more: The audio, or the old-time cartoon!

Don't know if I would have ever dreamed this up without a *lot* of mushrooms in my soup. "Rolling"
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Nov 15, 2021
near Liverpool, NY
Lifelong student / listening = bliss
Instead of following my engineering job down to Houston back in '99, sold my southern NH house and put my main system into deep storage, knowing that 'someday' I'll go retrieve it...and make it better than new when it comes back out to see the light of day...

Well, here we are - 20+ short years into the new millenium, and today, 28-Nov-2021, I am leaving shortly in order to retrieve no less than (64) MJ15024 transistors...along with all the ancillary gear that supports them.

Been waiting a long time for this day. And this video sums up exactly how I am feeling & what will be looping in my head.

Fingers crossed, flashlight ready, Indiana Jones leather whip by my side. Here's hoping I don't open the wrong box & my face melts off...
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