The way to reduce voltage is through a regulator. The 12 to 35 V dc can be put into a LM7805 regulator- OK that gives out 5V but you want 6V so you put a couple of Silicon diodes in series with the ground path. so 5V plus 1.4 is 6.4 Vdc. Now if you want more than 1 to 1.2Amps. Then you need to start to build a Power transistor current amplifier. This is where heat sinks and TO-3 transistors get involved maybe a few in parallel.
There are adjustable regulators too like the LM317T. It gives the voltage regulation out but the higher power will be done by the power transistors.
Before you go off making the regulator you need to figure out the power and voltage input from the panel. The Amazon Panels are a joke and for low capacity projects.
Real solar panels are much larger and can deliver up to 320W peak.
These are some of the real ones.
Keep in mind most cells give off only .5V dc ad can be up to 8 amps if the Mono 6x6" ones. So if you want to have 24Vdc out you will need 48 cells. Figure it out 48 cells at .5 foot square leaves you with 24 square feet required plus frame. So you might end up with a 4 foot by 6 foot panel.
24 V X 8A is just under 200W. Panels work best when at correct temperature and at a 90 degree angle to the sun.
I measured a battery drain once on a car that was sitting and it read 3 amps.
From what I saw in charge controllers on E bay I am not sure they would be best for car batteries as
the reference different battery chemistries. A linear regulator might be the way to go or a switcher will be more efficient.
As you can see this gets kind of involved.