Lee- So far, the 2 Ser II's that have been worked on exhibit this feature. From what I found with Przems it looked like the chassis were bent in the wrong place making them smaller in that dimension....maybe it was a Series wide mistake...
Glen First Problem
So the Back Plates were built for the B series. When I went to put them in they were to tight. After talking to Joe a bit I ventured out and cut about a 1/16 off each edge. This exposed the four layers of copper making up the board. I filed and the sanded the edge with 1000 grit emery to make sure the edge was clean and no copper would arc. I will clean one more time after all soldering is done then coat with epoxy and add Kapton tape to the frame as an insulator. I now have about 1/32 clearance each side to frame from Board. I hope this is now beat. Stater the board assembly with some of Dennis's gadgets to help with the standoff soldering.
I was able to use both of my the soldering pencil irons at once to preheat the standoff . Tip hear: keep going up the row as the board holds the heat and the job gets faster as you go.
I found it Mike, Thanks, this will keep it up on the top so if anybody runs into this.....