Some people's value of life, whether it's man or beast, is downright sad. I have a hard time with that in my tiny little head. I don't eat horses, dogs or cats, much less crowbar them to death. But I'm not a vagetarian either
I like the United Snakes of America also as the Greed and liars are the one main trait that these guys exhibit. Head shots for them all and we would get back to business. Sooner or later the country will need to be taken back by the people.
I don't know if Acorns are all that tastey but my squirrels like them in the winter- we collected up two garbage cans and give some out ever day when snow is down. A lot of these Acorns on the ground had worms in them so for them to have a parasite medicine in them they don't work on worms. If you want to boost your immune system like I do on occasion, use Echinacea or Elderberry tablets. When I have a stuffy head as if a cold is coming on I take an Echinacea pill then two hours after the symptom are gone and this have been tested at least 20 times with me. I also was given Elderberry when I had Covid and this is why it went away without me going into the hospital.