

Veteran and General Yakker
Sep 2, 2011
New England
Coffee filters
It has more to do with synergy then you give credit. Every component itself is a synergistic device. It takes a lot more then math to create components of quality, as pointed out earlier you must listen. If math were all it took then we would have one circuit topology, one TT one cartridge one CDP/DAC etc. That is not the case in ANY price range.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
So what you are saying is that if I sent the Carys to you. They may not sound good in your system? They may not produce a better sound no matter what your base components are. Has nothing to do with math at all. All though I can look at spec.s and get a general idea if it is a good component. Who made it. Their reputation. The specs all have something to do with my choice. Plus reading reviews in audio forums. Not audio rags. I have owned a few components. The ones I chose for myself has always improved the sound. There are certain brands I would not choose because I do not like the sound. Has nothing to do with synergy. I just don't like the sound. In my eyes you cannot make them sound good. So I will not even consider them.



Veteran and General Yakker
Sep 2, 2011
New England
Coffee filters
They might sound really good, feel free to send them lol. Then again, I might reap benefits from a lower priced SS amp with higher damping factor. Quite right, short comings in the system will not allow you to appreciate the benefits of other higher quality components. That is no different then anything I stated in post #1 and i dont understand what your problem is with it. The fact of the matter is, I can recognize that you, Larry, can build a great system. But you don't feel that I can, and that is unfortunate. My world consists of smaller expenditures right now in the chain, so I'm making compromises. Those compromises have led to rewards, because I have some sensibility, and I too have done some homework and have had a lot of experiences. And no
I'm not done either. But I am done trying to get you To validate anything I say.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
I'm not saying anything about you in any way. I'm not saying I can build a great system. Being validated by me on synergy probably isn't going to happen. I live in a black and white world. I don't believe in magic. I just don't think that way. There is a reason every thing happens to me. I wasn't even thinking about any personal thing. That is why I don't know how to put my thoughts down. Please don't take this or any thing else I said personal. It was not my intention for it to be.

For over 20 years every thing I did was OK it is broken. What caused it so I didn't have to fix it 20 times. There was always a reason when I trouble shot something.

So no don't take this personal at all. You pick certain components because you know they would sound good. That is all I do. I have been building my new system for a long time. I look at the components I have and what do I need to build another system. Nothing personal about it. I would tell you if it was. LOL

I sometimes am in the right spot at the right time. And to ship those Carys isn't fun. It cost me 100.00 each time and I have a fedex acct. Like you said this was just a conversation.


PS your about to have a PM.


Veteran and General Yakker
Sep 2, 2011
New England
Coffee filters
Maybe it's just the term itself and there is something being lost in translation. Thank you for the PM's.

I guess I was excited to post becuase I've been looking for a particular sound and its been harder to achieve then I thought. I think from what I'm experiencing, I'm much closer to what I've been looking for!

Had some rough times lately and found some solice in music, rather the the typical fretting over things I find particularly irritating. Over the past couple years, I've been swapping some components and speakers around. Finding improvements here and there, but not really able listen at length without fatigue, or the realization of what was completely lost.

I tried my best to get the Snell CIV's to work in this room and just couldn't do it. In the end it really is a speaker/room issue here. The EII's, which I was curious about for some time, work much better in this space. So maybe rather then call it "synergy", let's just say it's the right speaker for this room. That being the case, it certainly allows me to further enjoy the other components in the chain, more so than I have been previously able to do.

I guess the other piece of this, is thinking about the upgrade path that I do want to move toward, eventually. Based on what I've owned and auditioned over the years, and this current experience, I've been thinking about Audio Note as a real possibilty. While I haven't heard any of their components, I've been invited to audition a system down in MA which I'm excited to do when I can find the time.

The drawback is that I'm looking at kits, VS the finished products. While the kits can offer performance similarities, they will not be indentical 100%. I suppose the best thing would be to audition the finished kits but I'm not sure if that is possible just yet.