Stu's bitch/rant


Flying the Vista Cruiser up there... RIP
Jun 12, 2010
Deep in the Sonoran Desert SW
Many of ya'll know I'm a rabid NASCAR fan. Mike Helton the CEO says no more Confederate flags allowed at races :angry8:

F U Mr. Helton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where the hell do you think this motorsport came from? It's a flag, not a bigot point of view! F'n liberal media can KISS my smoki'n hot Southern ASS :laughing7:

I bought one of the last Confederate flags from South Carolina before Ebay shut them down. Our we America or not????? This PC Shit is getting out of hand folks!!


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Hard to be in the dissenting opinion lately Craig without being called a racist, homophobe, white supremicist, etc. Agreed it's out of hand and has been for quite awhile...


Chief Journeyman
May 1, 2011
Savage, MN
I totally agree all of this race BS (and many other things) are totally out of control. I get a bit less optimistic each day that the stupid American public has enough remaining brain cells to wake up and change course before we completely resemble a 3rd world country. I have been screaming Wake Up America for the past 10 years or so. However, very few even appear to care and return to burring their head in a iphone.



Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Easier to relate to a machine in your hand than actually DEAL with REAL people...

Could it be we'll see a generation of social retards?? Now that statement was totally PC.


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Oh DAYAM .....I like giving them an extra dollar or two and watching them freeze up with their head cockrd about 20 degrees off and stuck there...


Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 18, 2013
Coventry, CT
Fondler errrr... fan of all Nav's avatars
I agree, that flag has nothing to do with slavery, it was just the flag of the 13 Southern States and became a symbol of pride because the Northern States looked down on the supposedly less educated and poorer South so the flag became a rallying point for Southern Pride ie Fuck You Yankees. Up here in Connecticut, every old stone wall you see was built by slaves. What's next? Ban the Connecticut State flag?

Yes, racism was/is still an issue in the South but no worse then up here in the North, people are just not so obvious about it. The flag does no harm, it enslaves no one, the ideals behind it's symbolism are open to interpretation and not all people feel like the minority white supremacists. They are everywhere, not just in the South. The minority blacks just choose to use the Confederate flag as a scapegoat. The flag does not think, it does not have an opinion and if it were conscious, it probably would not give a shit about anything except a stiff breeze to stretch out

EDIT: The below picture in my granddaughter's room here. She is not a racist at all, she just loves Lynyrd Skynyrd and the laid back lifestyle of the South. That flag I bought her a few years ago is one of her favorite possessions and she defends it

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Dec 3, 2014
Foot of Mt. Belzoni
Smoke and mirrors baby!
Even though I've lived all over the U.S. I still consider myself a good ole Southern boy. Up until a few years ago, I never even considered the Confederate flag as being racist. My view was always more like Ron's, Southern pride and all that. Let's face it, there's lots of different historical flags in all countries around the world. Even though you can't buy them on eBay and Amazon now, I'll bet the flag makers are having a run on those bad boys!

I saw Seinfeld on a TV show recently where he said he asked his daughter (12 or 13 I think) if she was interested in any boys at school. Her reply to him was that he question was so "not PC." Seinfeld just went off on that! It was funny.

Now to the making change part. When was the last time you had ANY cashier count back change to you. You know... the old school way? Many years ago I managed several restaurants and sports bars in the South. One was in a COLLEGE TOWN so I naturally had college students working for me. No matter how I tried, I couldn't get the idea of counting back change, into their little collegiate brains. My BEST cashier was the restaurant owner's 13 year old daughter. She could check out a line of 20 customers in the time it took the college staff to do 3. This was more than 20 years ago, So sad.

Don't even get me started on geography!


May 15, 2013
St. Louis, MO
I think there are plenty of people who aren't racist who fly the flag. But, I think they are ignoring the history and reason that flag was created, which was a symbol of a part of the country that was so intent on maintaining the ability to hold people as property due to the color of their skin that they went to war against the rest of the country. Hard to see how that isn't an origin steeped in racism.


Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 17, 2011
Right! Don't ignore ALL the history ... but keep it in proper context.
It's not only a symbol of the South, a symbol of an ancient belief structure and a symbol of a group of States that wanted to secede from the Union - but just as important - it's a part of history and a symbol of an outmoded economic way of life - if you will - that &^%$-ing LOST ... but also a symbol of great change & sacrifice ! To anyone that is hyper sensitive to the existence of a historical artifact down to one unpleasant & opportunistic aspect ... get over it. It's 2015. The death of people in that church wasn't caused and cannot be blamed on that flag and ALL that it represents, blamed on a notion that the once Confederate states want to somehow return to the practice of slavery or blamed on the gun - not even a box of Twinkies can be blamed. A person did that atrocity. Not a flag. A person killed other people. Not a gun. It's that simple.

Put effort and emphasis into helping people ... not obsessing about burning flags or labeling people ...

white supremacists
and all the other highly charged, adolescent name calling BS that goes on.

I think there are plenty of people who aren't racist who fly the flag. But, I think they are ignoring the history and reason that flag was created, which was a symbol of a part of the country that was so intent on maintaining the ability to hold people as property due to the color of their skin that they went to war against the rest of the country. Hard to see how that isn't an origin steeped in racism.
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Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 18, 2013
Coventry, CT
Fondler errrr... fan of all Nav's avatars
I think there are plenty of people who aren't racist who fly the flag. But, I think they are ignoring the history and reason that flag was created, which was a symbol of a part of the country that was so intent on maintaining the ability to hold people as property due to the color of their skin that they went to war against the rest of the country. Hard to see how that isn't an origin steeped in racism.
The majority of people who fly the flag are not racist. The flag took on a new meaning after the Civil War and since there was no more slavery, it's symbolism was transferred to something other then pre-Civil War viewpoints. That is my point, Southern pride has nothing to do with the viewpoints of the few rich landholders of the South back then. Most people did not own slaves in the South, just those with money and large plantations for the most part


May 15, 2013
St. Louis, MO
I'll only point out one more thing and I'm fine with dropping it. But, I think it should also be noted that after the Civil War, the flags were taken down. And, their reappearance on state buildings occurred during the early 60s as a reaction to desegregation laws. So I think it is not entirely unreasonable for people to see a flag born as the symbol of the racist institution of slavery and resurrected as a protest about racial desegregation as having some racial overtones. That is not to say that everyone who flies it believes in such nonsense. But, I think it explains how people who have a visceral reaction to the flag have come to see it as a symbol of white supremacist beliefs.


Veteran and General Yakker
Nov 1, 2014
Gaston, SC
Victim of the record bug since age five
The flag does not think, it does not have an opinion and if it were conscious, it probably would not give a shit about anything except a stiff breeze to stretch out.
This link posted in the complete nonsense thread: Second photo down: De Blasio's necktie.

Damn! I love that tie! I'm a necktie freak, and that's a beautiful tie! The problem is what it represents, and it represents something I can't support. Yeah, it's just a strip of silk, beautifully colored, but to wear it to church on Sunday morning? Not gonna happen!

The colors themselves occur in nature, but they've been usurped by a bunch of radicals. Same thing with the flag, the meaning has been usurped by radicals, and thus becomes a focal point of contention.


Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 18, 2013
Coventry, CT
Fondler errrr... fan of all Nav's avatars
I'll only point out one more thing and I'm fine with dropping it. But, I think it should also be noted that after the Civil War, the flags were taken down. And, their reappearance on state buildings occurred during the early 60s as a reaction to desegregation laws. So I think it is not entirely unreasonable for people to see a flag born as the symbol of the racist institution of slavery and resurrected as a protest about racial desegregation as having some racial overtones. That is not to say that everyone who flies it believes in such nonsense. But, I think it explains how people who have a visceral reaction to the flag have come to see it as a symbol of white supremacist beliefs.
Your viewpoint is completely valid in that context but people who think like that will only see THAT. Other people ascribe a different symbolism to the flag, their viewpoint is entirely correct also

In short, there is no answer that will allow both sides to come to an agreement, you can't please everybody because there is always two sides to an argument and in most cases, people rarely budge from their beliefs

This is why arguing religion and politics is fruitless


Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 18, 2013
Coventry, CT
Fondler errrr... fan of all Nav's avatars
This link posted in the complete nonsense thread: Second photo down: De Blasio's necktie.

Damn! I love that tie! I'm a necktie freak, and that's a beautiful tie! The problem is what it represents, and it represents something I can't support. Yeah, it's just a strip of silk, beautifully colored, but to wear it to church on Sunday morning? Not gonna happen!

The colors themselves occur in nature, but they've been usurped by a bunch of radicals. Same thing with the flag, the meaning has been usurped by radicals, and thus becomes a focal point of contention.
Yeah, don't forget Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Coalition LOL

A rainbow is a thing of beauty but now people are making it a symbol of "unity". Each color represents a race in the context I mentioned just above. Funny there is no black or white in the rainbow yet they choose it to further their political agenda
A rainbow is just a refraction of light, it has nothing to so with people's political/societal leanings yet it is drawn into it as a symbol so now a simple colored tie becomes a symbol of contention between two sides. A rainbow is no longer a harmless natural wonder of nature
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