Sony TC K81 Complcated BIA/Rec level settings


Chief Journeyman
Nov 18, 2013
I am confused on setting the knobs and where exactly to set them. I have the service manual, and it states to have both led levels match. Ok I get that. But where exactly in the scale should they be at for different types of tapes. Also on certain types the meters can be at different DB levels. Some higher than others. Can those of you that might have this deck give me your take on how to exactly set this up. I have had very good luck recording on this deck with the way I have been setting things up, I am just wondering if I can make a better recording than the way I have been doing it. I have never liked the way all of the other lesser decks I have owned sounded but this deck is a very sweet sounding deck. One I will never sell. I will be looking for another just in case this one takes a dump at some future point, as a backup.


Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Robert: I took a quick read of the downloadable service manual. There is reference to 0dB on page 17. That is usually a standard setting for a few of my decks. And, yes, you can find a sweet spot to your liking by slightly under-biasing, contrary to the reference setting, on some cassettes. You have to listen as you adjust the manual bias knob while recording. Play the recording back a few times.

Nice deck!
