Socks has left us...


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
Socks crop.jpg

Her kidneys finally shut down and she could hardly walk. I knew they were bad but I thought it was a nasal infection keeping her from smelling food to sense if it was safe so she wouldn't eat.

I tried to get help to send her to the vet thinking they could cure that and give her IV fluids and I would have her home in a few days ready to sit with me on the edge of my bed listening to the radio or TV like she loved to do.

But I know now that she was trying to hide to die. She came out of hiding twice when I looked for her for two hours and cried...but she was bawling and I finally got some help with the vet's office visit. I was at the grocery store on my bike not realizing what could happen when a friend pulled up and told me I had to get to the office, it was the end and they would have to put her down, I needed to see her and tell her goodbye.

Every time I kissed her head her breathing would start to race and I was afraid that would kill her right there. I don't know if it was pain or realizing what was coming and trying to tell me she loved me. I had maybe 20 minutes with her in the end, it was two seconds to me. I just couldn't watch her die tough, I couldn't watch my father or one of my girlfriends die either, I left her sounds callous I suppose but it was something I couldn't bear to see.

Now I have about 40 pounds of cat litter to donate to the local Feral Cat Project and twice as much canned and dry cat food to feed Spot and Stripey, they don't come inside any...but it's going to be empty from now on in here without that wonderful black and white cat. She was one real reason I got up every morning, even if I went back to sleep again after I took care of her for the morning. There won't be a new cat in here, once Spot and Stripey are gone the saga of all the cats I've had the pleasure of being adopted by will come to a conclusion.

Thought you might like to know. Thanks for sharing your time to hear the story.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
I have no idea, the neighbors let me adopt her and get her fixed. She had already been around quite a while. She was really tired of being pregnant all the time and nobody knows where the last two kittens went to. She wasn't a happy girl but once she got fixed she was pretty happy and I became her ugly tomcat. That cat made a difference in my life.

Just like I know Jazz did for Lee. She liked 70s and 80s oldies too.
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Chief Journeyman
Jul 4, 2016
You'll blow your ears out kid
Give it some time.... later you may want to get another friend their are many cats and dogs in shelters that need loving homes, we had a cat 14 years we hat to put down and it sucked but within a year we got another no the new cat did not replace the old one but it helped fill the void... I am now dealing with a lab that is 13 and getting bad off I know my time with her is numbered but she has had a great life when her time comes I will just feel lucky I had her as long as I did in my life


Veteran and General Yakker
May 14, 2014
Southwest Kootenays BC
No such things as bad days, just bad moments
#6's a rough time when you lose a friend. A little bit easier to take if they pass away suddenly in their home but you did the right thing.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
If I got another cat I could always start over, Dave. When Spot and Stripey are gone that is the end of the story. I decided that a long time ago. Charlie disappeared one year ago this month, she was my baby. My neighbors have dogs and I'm not alone in that respect. Missy, Shaggy, Harley and Joker are my buddies too.

There are a lot of reminders of her around here right now. The towels and a comforter I used for her favorite chair, the loveseat and the one I placed on the floor for her to sit on. The box she would sleep in to hop on the bed bright and early to tell me to feed and water her. The pet brush I used on her long fur. A lot of her shed fur all around the house.

All of these are like the treasures your wife or child leaves behind when they are gone.

I can leave the bathroom door open now and not find her trying to drink the water from the dripping tub spigot. That alone is heartbreaking. I can see now that she was hiding in there because she was fixing to go, not just that she loved to hide.

Worst of all, I have no BOUNDARIES now. She told me when to get up and when I should get to sleep. I'm afraid I'll just become nocturnal again.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
They asked me if I wanted to cremate her and have her returned, but for a cat 10 lbs. and under it's around $140 and I just don't have that...I need new shoes badly and I have to deal with swelling in my legs and feet and the 13 lbs. I gained since my last appointment on the 1st.

And if I did take her back I would spread her ashes across the property where she loved to be so she would always be home.

I have sealed up the massive amount of litter I got this month and some things I used to groom and care for her in the hopes other cats will benefit. You really can't say that she would have wanted or liked that because I know she would rather be alive to use them, I would have liked that as well. So it goes to the feral cat project to help other kitties.

I opened the door this morning and there was Spot looking back at me down on the sidewalk, so I had another talk with her about Socks being gone for a while and see seemed to understand...and after a couple minutes she walked off of course.

Socks is the last of the original bunch from what, ten years ago? Seems like it. It's down to her and Stripey and Stripey is young. Charlie disappeared one year ago this month.

I've got some towels and vacuuming to do. I haven't been in a great hurry except to send the kibble and canned I had put out for her that very morning in case off to my other cats. I haven't seen Stripey yet. I hope I do, Stripey takes care and defends Spot, they are the best of friends.


Dec 1, 2018
Tower, MN
Sorry for your sorrow , lost more than a few cats. It never gets easier. Rocket the guy shown here is 14. He will be our last cat too. Socks and you will be in our thoughts 0729182046-01.jpg


Dec 1, 2018
Tower, MN
Rocket says thanks, The vet techs always call him handsome, we call him The Technician, any project he has to be right there helping. He is a Manx cat with no tail. Again thinking of Socks, her memory live on.