Servers hacked? Facebook domain is Up for sale and servers are Down.

Apr 28, 2013
Clinton, Ia
All the social media rules are gonna be changing and now congress who doesn't know the first thing about the tech industry is getting involved.
I don't think congress has any idea where to even start. The last thing congress wants to do is to disrupt their lines of communication with the people who supports them. This isn't the era of John Rockefeller or the other big companies that support congress through lobbyists that dump millions of dollars into their coffers. Even if they tried it would probably take years, something no congressman wants to spend that much time on.
Apr 28, 2013
Clinton, Ia
Giving some more thought to Facebook: Facebook isn't a monopoly. There are thousands of forums on the net. Facebook is only recognized because of their size and their hold on the social communities around the world. It would be up to each country to determine what is considered detrimental to their citizens. If after a possible warning to Facebook and they don't comply, the country can either sue or cut the cord and stop Facebook from operating in their country.

Breaking Facebook up into smaller companies wouldn't stop the traffic that they broker in. If the government was successful in splitting Facebook up, what have they accomplished? They now have more companies to regulate. Besides, companies would be in line to buy a portion of Facebook and since all the infrastructure is already in place, Facebook's new buyer wouldn't be down for five seconds, just flip a switch.

The last big breakup of a big company was AT&T back in the 80's and that took years. The feds tried regulating them for years and AT&T found a way to get around the regulations or just ignored them. It took almost 20 years to break them up and the lawyers made millions. I can't imagine how long it would take to break up Facebook. One thing the feds might not consider would be how much support would be put in place by the tech community supporting Facebook. It would look like WW3 with ink pens and keyboards and this time, the lawyers would make billions.


Chief Journeyman
Jun 13, 2010
Bensenville, IL
Work too much
I don't own any FB stock and I would not waste my money on stock that I manage anyway.We know now at least a bit why the FB went down and I hate to be that guy that sent the command. Who knows- Maybe Norton will hire him as a troublemaker to test their software or some other security company. I think he will get a cut in pay though. Why do they let guys like this issue commands? Don't you need to know what you are doing? This guy if you can handle his English tells a good story-


Chief Journeyman
Jun 13, 2010
Bensenville, IL
Work too much
It is well known from the non- existence of Aliens that the CIA has had operatives in ALL media for a long time and there is even a witness telling you that on Steven Greer's website under evidence. There is more truth presented there than any government person will tell you.


Veteran and General Yakker
Nov 1, 2014
Gaston, SC
Victim of the record bug since age five
It is well known from the non- existence of Aliens that the CIA has had operatives in ALL media for a long time and there is even a witness telling you that on Steven Greer's website under evidence. There is more truth presented there than any government person will tell you.
The CIA was formed in 1947, the same year of the supposed Roswell crash.
Just a stray thought…


Chief Journeyman
Jun 13, 2010
Bensenville, IL
Work too much
Exactly. There is a lot of information about Roswell which people are not told. It was a first Nuclear Flight squadron there in 1946. The cashes there were caused by Scalar radar which some say it is also a weapon. There was a EBEN that survived and lived until 1952- there were three crashes over there not just one. The US government used the Aricebo telescope to send a radio request to Zeta Riticuli to pick up their being. Well with radio waves at the speed of light they should get that message in about 39,000 years as Zeta Riticuli is 40,000 light years away. Besides they are circulating around the earth all the time so proper contact would not be done by radio waves. They don't use them. Same as trying to contact the Star ship Enterprise with a telegraph set. The CIA was begun with Nazi people so who do you think is there now? It was at that same time that President Eisenhower learned that the MIC (Military Industrial Complex) was to take control and not likely to relinquish it after. This is the entire mess that we are still in.


Chief Journeyman
Jun 13, 2010
Bensenville, IL
Work too much
It was a short term thing of between 6-9 hours. Some guy issued a command to the server that hid them from the world server wise so even the IT people could not access them- they had to send people there locally and some of them did not have physical access. There was a video on You Tube explaining what they said happened. This is the one I watched and it makes sense.


Chief Journeyman
Jun 13, 2010
Bensenville, IL
Work too much
I know you need to be able to understand his type of English but the human brain if you try will get through it. I did and most words were deciphered.