Got Caps?
I received the DC 300 replacement PS caps from Harmon, not cheap. I installed them and brought the amp slowly. The right channel sounds great, the left channel (Channel 1) blew the B+ fuse after a brief hum. I also see that channel 1 had some previous work done to it (non-stock power transistor, burnt spot on the board, and some replaced resistors). I love the way this amp is built with all point-to-point wiring but it is a pain to work on. Lee, imagine if the PL 700 had the transistors all hardwired! Yes, wires wrapped around the pins! Efficient but difficult to troubleshoot with the parts swap technique.
Joe, if you get a chance, can you throw me a bone? I would hate to have to pull all the channel 1 outputs on this animal just to test them and find them OK. Is there an easy test point that would point to a failure. The schematic is clear but not as friendly as the PL drawings. Once I get the other channel running, I will post some numbers. I can say subjectively that I am getting more than 150 WPC, at least out of the right channel.