Trip Daddys, huh? We have to have seen each other around town. Back when Way out was on Cherokee before the hipsters took that strip over, I used to hang out there when Trip Daddys played there pretty much every weekend. Spent a lot of late nights into mornings with those guys. Don't see 'em much anymore and really it's just Craig from the original band these days playing as Trip Daddys. But I still run into those guys around town from time to time. Lots of good local bands around here, really. I'm a fan of the city and its music. These days I mostly check out the noise and experimental stuff around town, which is plentiful. Some good local rock bands too, I really like Doom Town, sound kind of like a little X, a little of the Wipers, etc... Strawfoot is really good, kind of a weirdo mix of country gothic Americana. Shaved Women are a good trashy hardcore band. CaveofswordS is a fun electronic noise pop duo. Sleepy Kitty is a fun indie rock band. Tone rodent has a cool krautrock inflected vibe. Bunch of stuff really. Those come quickly to mind, but whatever your taste, someone is doing it out there. Mostly I think way too many people fail to support their local music scene. Stop paying 100 dollars to see the latest dinosaurs of rock tour and lining the pockets of rich 60 year olds long past their prime. Throw down 5-10 bucks, grab a few beers and check out what's happening in your town. Almost any decent sized city has at least a few youngsters dedicated to sweating it out with heart and fire more nights of the week than not.