well, i stumbled upon these mini-monitors at my local GW just yesterday for $20.00.
i nearly passed them by, but noticing the make, and knowing something of the reputation they have, i decided to at least have a close look.
i was immediately impressed by the weight, for the size, and the build quality, which definitely felt upper scale.
i do not care for tiny speakers, and i prefer to stick tightly beside the familiar classic Japanese brands,
but these POLKs felt like a rare steal of a deal that i'd be a fool to pass up.
well, i'm certainly glad i didn't.
it is unreal; these tiny boxes cast a HUGE stage for their size, and, more importantly,
they bloom with dimension and detail that every previous speaker pair i've ever used only seems to hint at, by direct comparison.
Detail!! well-rounded details that got at least semi-obscured in the muddle of the soundscape in previous speaker systems
are clearly, precisely delineated with these decidedly Mighty Midgets.
in sum. i've never heard ANY of my favorite music blossom the way that they do with these POLK R10s.
as much as it irks me on a superficial level to break up the all-PIONEER audio chain i've maintained for over a decade now,
i am QUITE SOLD on these diminutive POLKs.
indeed, perhaps pursuing a pair of full size POLKs of similar design may prove the single greatest system upgrade i'll ever likely be able to afford to make...