Thanks Bob, I will look into this as soon as they are in my hands. I was contacted by a local guy who is interested in a guitar I own in trade for a working/maintained a Otari MTR-90. I guess he has two of them and live about and hour and a half away from me. Looks like this one from a borrowed image I found!! Supposedly all calibrated and everything, heads are guaranteed 90% life left, new capstans etc... just where the hell would I put something like that????
Can you imagine having one of these hooked to your home system LMAO!!!!
Can you imagine having one of these hooked to your home system LMAO!!!!
Of course, you'd have to repatch every time you wanted to change albums. Unless you got one of these as your new preamp:
There's one of those Otaris plus a 24 track Studer A-80 ( and a 2 track, 1/2" Studer A80 mastering deck still sitting in the basement of the university's development offices I keep trying to rescue with no success as yet. Hmmmpf...