Well... something i knew was coming sooner or later just happened; my prized 1991 TOTL PIONEER VSX-D1S AVR began to fail on me,
after years of faithful workhorse service since bought used back in 2003.
it's actually a simple/complex issue, endemic to all copies of this receiver, as the various citations on the problem to be found on the net go,
a fluky capacitor or two in the speaker-output protection relay circuit, supposedly.
Alas, simple issue though it may be, it supposedly requires a deep dive service job to get at, and the power issues involved
may have resulted in further unknown damage/wear on the extent related circuitry.
all said, i understand it amounts to an expensive labor job to replace some inexpensive electronic parts, if, -and this is a BIG if-
one can even find a service tech willing to even touch the job these days.
since i live an an isolated, rural area, the only service tech i know of remotely close to me is 200+miles away,
so, for now, at least, i decided to retire the D1S while it is in still-technically-functional condition,
and get a copy of the PIONEER AVR i fell in love with back in the early-2000's, in my very early-20's,
as a then-brand-new budding Hi-Fi/A/V enthusiast, the 2001 near-TOTL VSX-47TX;
after years of faithful workhorse service since bought used back in 2003.
it's actually a simple/complex issue, endemic to all copies of this receiver, as the various citations on the problem to be found on the net go,
a fluky capacitor or two in the speaker-output protection relay circuit, supposedly.
Alas, simple issue though it may be, it supposedly requires a deep dive service job to get at, and the power issues involved
may have resulted in further unknown damage/wear on the extent related circuitry.
all said, i understand it amounts to an expensive labor job to replace some inexpensive electronic parts, if, -and this is a BIG if-
one can even find a service tech willing to even touch the job these days.
since i live an an isolated, rural area, the only service tech i know of remotely close to me is 200+miles away,
so, for now, at least, i decided to retire the D1S while it is in still-technically-functional condition,
and get a copy of the PIONEER AVR i fell in love with back in the early-2000's, in my very early-20's,
as a then-brand-new budding Hi-Fi/A/V enthusiast, the 2001 near-TOTL VSX-47TX;