Pioneer HPM-200

HPM 200

New Around These Parts
Jan 2, 2015
Yes I spent about 40 years in the logging industry, close to 25 on the saw and the rest in the rigging tending hook pulling rigging ect. up and down the coast when I was in my early teens and to my early twenties.

I would appreciate if you moved the pictures. I wasn't paying enough attention when I did that one.



Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Your pictures have been relocated to this thread, now, Mike, and I deleted your other thread.

I like the comment you made about the speakers capably handling your NAD amp as you pushed them to above-average listening levels. I bet it wasn't classical music you were playing on a Friday night.


HPM 200

New Around These Parts
Jan 2, 2015
While I listen to lots of classical I seem to recall a bit of Roy Buchanan and Jeff Beck romping and stompin with some Jimmy Page for good measure.



Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Classical music has an expansive dynamic range. Last night I played Peter Gabriel's "Scratch My Back" (with only his vocals and a full orchestra) on CD. If you have the chance to listen to Track 7 "My Body Is A Cage" I'm sure your HPM-200s would feel right at home. Or try a high res download?

I like to read posts from different forums about vintage audio. You might have already read this one, Mike:

I've auditioned both the JBL L200 and L300 speakers. I should have bought the L300s, they were that impressive. And it seems the HPM-200s are highly regarded as being better, by one poster, than the aforementioned JBLs.



Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?
Not sure what's out there in this generation of speakers that mimics what the HPM-200 speakers had going, Jerry. Perhaps, Douglas would know as he has seen some recent speaker offerings at shows.

Just thinking, Nando..

We still have cones and magnets, ribbons and electrostatics, etc.. But this "HPM" tech seems to have been short lived for some reason? I'm wondering why if the sound is that good do we not see any drivers today of this peculiar type. Maybe cost?


Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Just thinking, Nando..

We still have cones and magnets, ribbons and electrostatics, etc.. But this "HPM" tech seems to have been short lived for some reason? I'm wondering why if the sound is that good do we not see any drivers today of this peculiar type. Maybe cost?
Maybe patent restrictions?


HPM 200

New Around These Parts
Jan 2, 2015
You should consider opening up a free Dropbox account. It's cloud storage. You can copy files up to the free space that you want
to share with someone else and then delete them when you like (once snagged by the other party). If you can manage to set up a
Dropbox account tonight, upload the 6 or 8 files to there and PM me the link, I'll post the photos in this thread for you in the morning.
Don't ever put sensitive sh!t up in the cloud, but for sharing photos that can otherwise play havoc with email servers, Dropbox or another
cloud storage service is cool beans. Box is another one out there. I've been using Dropbox for several years and it rocks.

Here's a referral link for Dropbox:

Hitting the hay now, long day ...
I wanted to thank you for your kind offer,and also for mentioning a dropbox account, normally I would not think of that because I don't trust the
cloud but for pictures it is a good idea. Shortly after your offer there must have been a reduction in net traffic out here, I tried once more
and pictures started going though so I upped everything and went to bed myself.



Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
None are more than 6.25 mb. and some are less than 6.00 mb. Currently I was going to put up about 6 to 8
with others to follow if people want to see more.

Oh DEAR GOD... get those puppies down to about 300 kb to 600 TOPS with some average jpeg compression...

You're choking the server with all those manly pixels.:sign6:

HPM 200

New Around These Parts
Jan 2, 2015
Classical music has an expansive dynamic range. Last night I played Peter Gabriel's "Scratch My Back" (with only his vocals and a full orchestra) on CD. If you have the chance to listen to Track 7 "My Body Is A Cage" I'm sure your HPM-200s would feel right at home. Or try a high res download?

I like to read posts from different forums about vintage audio. You might have already read this one, Mike:

I've auditioned both the JBL L200 and L300 speakers. I should have bought the L300s, they were that impressive. And it seems the HPM-200s are highly regarded as being better, by one poster, than the aforementioned JBLs.

These speakers really set off classical music, right now I'm listening to the Tallis Scholars, this group if you are not familiar with them specialize in Medieval vocal choir music from the old masters and sound sublime on the hpm 200's, the mids and tweeters really shine, the vocal highs just sound so effortless there isn't any need for instruments to carry
the music. When I play the same music on my bedroom rig with the pioneer CS R500's speakers powered by a pioneer VSX-5300S it sounds very nice but they just don't compare
to those hpm 200's. When I put on Jaco Pastorious 's music that loaded woofer goes gravedigger deep and you can really appreciate fine bass playing, jazz horns, piano sounds so much better. And even mp3 recordings sound better. In my digital music collection I have not ripped my copy of the Layla album yet, but I have an MP3 copy and Duane and Eric's guitar playing just sounds amazing for mp3, Herb Alpert's trumpet playing sounds amazing, It just does not seem to matter what I play it all sounds better and when I throw on some properly recorded Hi Def music it's another level of sound.

When I put the system together I built the computer then the Nad C390DD came next followed by the Hpm 200's the the Surgex power conditioner and because I had ordered it before it was available in Canada came the Juli@xte soundcard after a 3 month wait followed by Jriver and win server 2012 r2 . As each piece was added and as I went through the learning curve all the sound has just got better with every addition and the speakers just keep sounding finer. The next big ticket item will be a dedicated computer when I can find an commercially available audiophile mother board.
Then I may look at playing with cabling



Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Geez Lee, that is brutal work...
I lived up Elk Creek Rd out of Trail Or. The loggin crew would pick me up in front of the house and we would go on up the creek another 10 miles. After the days work they would roll me out of the crew truck in front of my house on the way back by. Black dirt and runnin up and down them hills and sweatin you were pretty black by the end of the day. I've spent some long hard days in the oilfield, but I have a lot of respect for a choker setter....


Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?
And the Patent for the High molecular weight, thin film piezoelectric transducers: piezoelectric film transducers&f=false

I figured that much, Nando. But it begs the question - why do we not see these types of drivers still in use today? If Pioneer still has the patent and they were that good, why are they not in current product lines from Pioneer?

Yeah, probably the same reason why we have these HT receivers boasting 120 watts x 7 channels when the power consumption on the back states a measly 300 watts or less... hehe.


Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?
I lived up Elk Creek Rd out of Trail Or. The loggin crew would pick me up in front of the house and we would go on up the creek another 10 miles. After the days work they would roll me out of the crew truck in front of my house on the way back by. Black dirt and runnin up and down them hills and sweatin you were pretty black by the end of the day. I've spent some long hard days in the oilfield, but I have a lot of respect for a choker setter....
Lee you ARE one crusty, tough SOB aren't ya?? I watch that "Ax Men" every week, and there's no way even at 18 years I coulda hacked that for even one day...



Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
I left the oilfield in 78 to go dry out. Had a terrible drug habit. Had an uncle who lived up there and I came out in a 26 ft. Argosy trailer that belonged to my then father in law. Didn't see town for about three months cause I didn't want to. My idea of taking the cure was to work so hard I diidn't want to do anything but fall into bed at the end of the day. And this is no shit....for the first few days I actually did get rolled out of the crew truck and crawled into the trailer. Talk about an accelerated detox , Jeez. I would take two frozen gallon jugs of water in the morning and be sucking the second one dry on the way home. I sweat more on that job more than any other except bein a grizzly tender 800 feet underground in Guernsey, Wy. Them fuckin loggers are tough...


Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 13, 2013
I used to know this old guy, through one of my uncles. He popped in one day and asked if I would help him clear a lot on the lake by my house. I needed the cash so I said sure. It was 2 old boys with chainsaws, me and 2 horses. I'd carry their tools, 1 guy would fall the tree and the other would run horses up the hill. I had to hook up the logs. I would hold the hooks so when the horses took off they cinched up on the logs. Nothing says move your ass now, like two horses takin off with the tree between your legs and the top comin at your arse. Learned a lot of valuable lessons the short time I worked with them. Probably worked harder doing that than I have in construction.