Phase Linear 4000 Rebuild - are these quirks normal?


New Around These Parts
Jan 29, 2023
Hey all,
I'm working on a Phase Linear 4000 preamp for a friend of mine. It needed a recap and several cold solder joints repaired. I've completed that, and it's working great except for a few quirks. As I don't have another one here to compare to, I'm trying to determine if these are normal, or if further investigation is required...

#1 (This existed before I started the recap etc) - It seems like the first 1/4 turn or so of the volume pot is a dead zone. I don't get any change in volume until it's at 1/4 turn, then it seems normal.
I took the volume pot out, and checked both gangs on the ohm meter, it's reading 4 ohms on one end and 86k on the other - seems OK. I don't see any dead spots in the pot itself when I check with a simpson meter and slowly turn it. The resistance goes up smoothly as you turn it. Is this normal? I did find a post here mentioning they used a linear instead of a log pot, I guess that could explain it? He also noticed that when it's all the way off, some volume still bleeds through, but the Phase Linear fast field service manual says this is totally normal.

#2 I thought many of the RCA inputs were bad, but it seems to me like they are extremely picky about the type of cable used. Almost none of the RCA cables I have make this happy except for the ones that are built into my Audio Technica AT-LP120 and an old RCA to 3.5mm adapter I had. It seems like other designs don't go in far enough to disengage the shorting switch inside the jack. I notice a more positive 'click' feel when I use the RCA cables it likes. Do I just need to tell him that's normal and he will need to experiment with RCA's until he finds some that this thing likes?

#3 If you switch off the pre, but leave your power amp on, it takes several seconds for the sound (and front panel power LED) to shut off. Clearly caused by energy stored in the capacitors, but I'm surprised they didn't design the circuit to avoid this?

Any feedback appreciated. Thanks!


Veteran and General Yakker
Jun 24, 2011
Jacksonville, FL
There are two "flavors" of Phase Linear 4000 Preamps. The early version (1973-1977) had the joystick and the later (1978-1982) Series II did not. The early version is considered by most to be a 'throw-away' unit today because of the motherboard-daughterboard solder connections. You fix two cracked connections and three more show up; shipping the unit almost always results in more broken connections. There were other issues that resulted in corners being cut, likely to appease the accountants trying to save money.

The later version is an improvement but the complicated holography and auto-correlation circuitry is still tricky to troubleshoot. Those circuits use frequency filters that can drift out of specification with age and DC control voltages with diode switches; getting them back in spec is a challenge. Fortunately, the schematics are available for these units and you can bypass circuits with jumpers or the Defeat switches to eliminate problem-prone areas.

Your problem #1 is probably not in the Volume Control. You did not mention if the "dead zone" is in one or both channels. I would look in the Tone Amp, Left input on Pin 9 and Right input on Pin 3. Look for the same or some signal level at 1/4 volume. If it is not there, then the problem is likely before the Volume Control - in the Correlator Boards. You get the idea.

Problem #2 has been addressed here before. Phase Linear used an RCA Jack that matched the RCA Plugs of the time. Newer RCA Plugs ARE shorter and will not open the Shorting Gate of the Input Jacks. You can find the cables with the longer center pins, but you have to know what you are looking for.

Good Luck!

Mark Lucitt


Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 13, 2014
I am currently doing two series two 4000’s up. There will be upgrades as I can never leave things alone. Like new power supply, the old one is a bit old in design. Also will have remote volume and remote on/off.

Still have a series one for eye candy CEFF50B9-0B34-4C6E-A011-8B595CB30407.jpeg D36C2752-C7BC-457B-BF01-A504D486B6E3.jpeg 0E8E798F-C80C-4E54-925D-5F052D6168BC.jpeg BE894A88-E008-46D1-A53F-F40CF8D7ADEC.jpeg


Chief Journeyman
Jun 9, 2014
Milan Italy
I'm very curious about any tech item
Welcome !
If you have the first series ,
disconnect all boards except line amp and tone amp
(in order to use the simplest path of the signal ) and check .
After insert phono board and check and so on .
Furthermore ,you should replace all Rca connectors .


New Around These Parts
Jan 29, 2023
These are the square top ones used in the PL2000 preamps. Never had a issue with any RCA plugged into them. Still running a full set of these in one preamp and SwitchCraft in the other.
Thanks, yeah I ended up buying an entire set of those exact jacks from someone on ebay a few weeks ago and that did indeed resolve that problem. But man those are dirt cheap! I wish i knew about that site! ended up paying $60 or so for the ebay ones.


Chief Journeyman
Apr 26, 2011
Central Ohio

mark c

New Around These Parts
Mar 3, 2024
hi guys im new i was hoping for some help i need to replace one of the ic's on the main board but cant locate it anyhelp would be much apreciated sorry its in my phase linear 4000 2
Thanks Mark

George S.

Veteran and General Yakker
Feb 18, 2020
First narrow it down to which part of the circuit has the fault.
Does the tuner circuit work from the input to the output, but the phono doesn't? Then it's a fault in the phono circuit between the phono input jacks and the main opamp.
If nothing works, then check rail voltages first. Never worked on a 4000S2, but probably has a +18 VDC, common, and -18 VDC rail.
If voltage is good to the main opamp, then input a signal and trace it from the input to where it's lost.
What IC do you think is bad and why.

Fast Forward

Forum Moderator
Staff member
Jun 14, 2010
Chaska Minnesota
Years ago I owned an Auto correlator and always thought they were cool, now many years have passed and I have a line on another. My question is It powers up but I cannot test it. So if I grab it It may need a repair. So who wants to take crack at it


Chief Journeyman
Apr 26, 2011
Central Ohio
Thanks, yeah I ended up buying an entire set of those exact jacks from someone on ebay a few weeks ago and that did indeed resolve that problem. But man those are dirt cheap! I wish i knew about that site! ended up paying $60 or so for the ebay ones.
One of the long term So. Cal. shops (All Electronics?) recently went under and I bought a pile of the I/O jacks the 4000 uses. I don't know why as I swore I'd never touch a 4000 again for the exact same reason Lee mentioned.