I wondered about this earlier, this is a good time to bring it up. My PL2000 Service Manual shows a diagram of a Zener diode and a 2.2K ohm series resistor on the output of the power supply, and it is identified as Q2, a TIS 97 transistor. The PL2000 Series Two drawing corrects the schematic by showing a diagram of a TIS 97 transistor with the Collector not connected (NC) and the series resistor is not labeled. Of course, one half of the TIS 97 does act as a diode. Is this the 34V (+/- 17V) regulator that PL envisioned? Would a 5W Zener diode such as 1N5364B (33V) work? Or even better two 5W 17V Zener diodes like the 1N5354B across the positive output and negative output to ground?