Hey guys, I agree with all the points above. I agree that it is my job to raise respectable presentable children and teach them lessons in life. But my young lad had a teacher that actually refused to teach him....how does that work. The teacher would actually ignore him. This kind of stuff is unacceptable.
My comment about throwing money at them was the fact that they now make it up to us to provide almost everything for kids at school. Recently my youngest came home with a large list of all sorts of crud we had to buy for a class project. I dont see that its my job to provide them with learning tools to teach. When in fact we support the schools on a large scale with fund raisers, money for trips, school pictures, and lots of other stuff, thats not including the lunchtime milk program, pizza lunches, book orders, and other stuff that we choose to pay. Last years x-mas sale, was restricted to only "new" still in the package donations, then we are expected to give the kids money to buy the stuff back from them? Its gotten a little ridiculous.