Hello all,
This is a Pioneer deck with tape,cd, AM, and FM. From the research I've found, the tape player is model CX-529.
A little background about my project. Roughly 2 months ago, I successfully installed an Aux jack into the tape players output signals so that I can listen to my music from Iphone( important since I drive M-F 150+ miles a day for school). when testing to see if everything works, I used a gutted tape, but the player recognized it being empty and spit it out. So then I tried a blank tape, and BAM, it worked fine. But after 2 months, the aux cable(from Aux port to phone) is failing and starting to get annoying. I've seen my cousin use a similar Belkin(Quality) cable, and it still went bad through time. Not to mention the hassle with a cord laying around your car.
So About 1 week ago, I realized that I can install a bluetooth receiver for semi cheap. The plan is to remove as much mechanical parts, and use the structure of the tape player to setup my circuit for the bluetooth and extra USB for other gadgets. So here is a diagram of my circuit(ignore red circle)
So with just about everything ready for install, I am held up on how to trick the cassette player into thinking a tape is in there, when there really isn't any tape at all. I've already gutted a majority of what I think can safely be removed( and will post a pic up tomorrow).
As for the ejecting, it is not doing any of the issues described. Actually my tape player works perfectly fine, but what I am wanting to know is how does the tape player know when the cassette's internals have been removed? because blank tapes will play, but something in the player can sense when the tape has been gutted. the real estate of the tape player is prime in setting up my bluetooth receiver and an extra USB for phone charging.