And so this opens up SACD. And high end audio formats. Since regular CD players cannot duplicate this, the sound-stage opens up dramatically on SACD. The Oppo will transfer THX Master Audio as well if used on a blue-ray source while you are watching a movie. No compression, loss-less audio. The way it was mastered in the studio. Thanks to the large space on these discs. You CAN and WILL hear things a stand alone CD player cannot touch. Things the studio intended you to hear. But could never produce on a regular CD at the time.
I do not consider myself a "TRUE" audiophile. True audiophiles scoff at the Oppo. They opt for the $10,000 MacIntosh CD player or the Aiyre. (I think it's called)? And their systems would use my Arcam as a boat anchor. I've been in the local high end audio shop here. A store called "Music For Pleasure". They have a website. And $100,000 Dyne Audio speakers are in the main room with SUN amps or monoblock boulder amps I have forgotten the name of to drive them. And speaker wire thicker than line-man's cables with networks as big as brick built into those speaker cables. I am nothing compared to this stuff. I just took it up the ol' keester for a few months to buy the smidgon of a sampling of this gear at the entry end of it while I wait for my new big screen. I wanted SOME form of crystal clear audio with a great price.
Congrats Dave on the purchase. Not just a great choice, but it looks like you went top tier model too. Just wait when you have a question on it? Call them up and it will be the best customer experience you ever had! You actually TALK TO AN ENGINEER! Not some foreigner in the Philippines. All based out of CA U.S.A. Probably one of the very RARE times I have actually gotten what I paid for. And NO, I did not have the money at the time. I just saved for a month. I knew what they were and read and read and read up on them. Magazine subscriptions, web forums, their own site, CNET even reviewed a smaller version. Even speaker forum groups that deal strictly with a particular speaker brand, even mention it over and over. For the life of me I tried to pick it apart? But there were no cons? The only complaint I had was that it arrived in a plain brown box. I mean....c'mon? Sheesh? You think they could have wrapped it it gold or something? gawww.........