NAK BX-300 Idler .. who's done one? (and .. how did I miss not adding THIS forum??)


Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?
Well, first I realized I missed a very important subsection of our DIY division here, so .. there you guys go..

Anywhoo.. back to the real subject here. My man Perry is reaaaal busy this time of year, and I kind of miss playing my BX-300 and figure hmm.. I guess I could give it a shot myself. Replacing... the dreaded and infamous Nak idler tire.

Any of you guys out there done one before? I have seen a few how to's out there and it does not seem too difficult. My biggest question is however - In so replacing the idler on a BX-300, does any steps in the process require me to recal the heads? I've had touch and go success in the past with that ( I am VERY particular when it comes to getting it right on the money, otherwise any imbalance or otherwise half-job I will notice), and Perry's cal job was absolutely superb - to the point where I just don't want it screwed up.

Then there's the LX-5 I still have from the legend.. the Larrt... Speakerman1 as a gift for creating Phoenix initially. Same problem it would appear. I'd like to get that one up and running too, but I'd like to know what I'm facing first. Same basic transport and idler design, no? So if I can do the 300, the LX-5 should fall right in line too.

One final thing... for you Nak folks lurking out there that are in the know... any good suggestions on where to obtain the idler? I'll hit ole Marsscomm up first, but just in case he's out of them ..

Thanks in advance guys... and hey.. look... new forum!! LOL :evil3:


Veteran and General Yakker
Sep 25, 2012
Lower Mainland, BC, Canada
Well, first I realized I missed a very important subsection of our DIY division here, so .. there you guys go..

Anywhoo.. back to the real subject here. My man Perry is reaaaal busy this time of year, and I kind of miss playing my BX-300 and figure hmm.. I guess I could give it a shot myself. Replacing... the dreaded and infamous Nak idler tire.

Any of you guys out there done one before? I have seen a few how to's out there and it does not seem too difficult. My biggest question is however - In so replacing the idler on a BX-300, does any steps in the process require me to recal the heads? I've had touch and go success in the past with that ( I am VERY particular when it comes to getting it right on the money, otherwise any imbalance or otherwise half-job I will notice), and Perry's cal job was absolutely superb - to the point where I just don't want it screwed up.

Then there's the LX-5 I still have from the legend.. the Larrt... Speakerman1 as a gift for creating Phoenix initially. Same problem it would appear. I'd like to get that one up and running too, but I'd like to know what I'm facing first. Same basic transport and idler design, no? So if I can do the 300, the LX-5 should fall right in line too.

One final thing... for you Nak folks lurking out there that are in the know... any good suggestions on where to obtain the idler? I'll hit ole Marsscomm up first, but just in case he's out of them ..

Thanks in advance guys... and hey.. look... new forum!! LOL :evil3:
I figured I'd give it a shot on a BX-150. I got it here:

$4.00 with shipping. It was an easy repair. All parts accounted for after it was completed.


Jun 13, 2010
Tasmania, Australia
From Tapheads.
I did mine some years back. Easy 20 minute job.

[TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD="class: alt2, bgcolor: #CCCCCC"]Originally Posted by stuwee

I just tried to use it 7/23/08, bought yesterday, played, FF & RW, right hub not working now
I have the owners manual, I reread it.
Timer, memory stop and auto repeat all switched off.
No voltage switch on the back.

Something (belt) must have let go?
I registered at NakTalk, pending ...

Any ideas? I'm not handy with tools, I'd just asoon wait a bit and gather info before tearing into it.

Thanks in advance,


Craig, I got a mates dead one of these going the other day. This one would play but thats all. This may help you or it may not, but its simple and takes 5 minutes. In your picture you can see the backing plate, the shiney bit you can see through the tape window. Its held with two small screws in the corners at the top of the plate. Undo the screws and the plate basically wiggles out and up. Now you can see the idler tyre assmbley. Clean the reels with some isoprop and also clean the idler tire and the motor shaft. This will give it a better grip on the reels. you can also see a belt that I think is some sort of backpressure tensioner that drives back to the left had side facing deck from front. I don't know but if the idler tire looks knackered and this belt is loose it could be the source of your problems. ESI has new tires for 10 bucks and good clear instructions for changing the tire on their website.
Hope this is some help


Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Jerry: It's a good idea to start a DIY sub-forum for cassette decks. Although I haven't delved into repairing one, yet, it might be easier with the help of other members who have already done it.

I have a Nakmichi BX-100 and BX-150 and a Nakamichi RX-505 stalled in repairs at a local shop.

Doug & Graham: It doesn't look that intimidating to replace the idler tire after reading your information. In fact, I've read that is the bane of most Nakamichi decks failing - just a simple idler tire replacement to get them running.



Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?
Thanks for the tips guys! I'm checking with ESL now to see if the one for the LX5 is different and/or available. Anyone know that answer? I'd order two from the ebay listing if so...


Chief Journeyman
Nov 18, 2013
I just got a 300 at a yard sale for 5 dollars today:blob:
It does not rewind or fast fwd either but it does play and all other functions work. I order a idler tire, and will be doing it as soon as it comes in. FFD and RWd do work just not with a cassette in it so motor is good to go. Will do the belt too as well.
Have not recorded on it as of yet getting too late for that. Been playing tapes through it for the past 6 hours and no problems so far other that previously mentioned. This is my first NAK that I have ever owned. Maybe I'll start recording music again, as I have not done a recording in several months:toothy6:
Post a pic later:angry2:


Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?
I just got a 300 at a yard sale for 5 dollars today:blob:
It does not rewind or fast fwd either but it does play and all other functions work. I order a idler tire, and will be doing it as soon as it comes in. FFD and RWd do work just not with a cassette in it so motor is good to go. Will do the belt too as well.
Have not recorded on it as of yet getting too late for that. Been playing tapes through it for the past 6 hours and no problems so far other that previously mentioned. This is my first NAK that I have ever owned. Maybe I'll start recording music again, as I have not done a recording in several months:toothy6:
Post a pic later:angry2:
That reminded me to go take a peek. Well, it doesn't seem too hard! Hmmm... now I THINK I had a couple of "kits" from way back that I got from Fred/Marrs.. so I guess it's time for another "archeology dig" in this mancave... ugh. It'd be nice if I found the kit in the next 15 mins, otherwise I'm just going to let it stay hidden with the dirty socks. :mrgreen:



Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?

LEE!!! LOOK!! (among other odd artifacts LOL)

Say the word, and here they come! (or mebbe I use em for up and coming "Frankenstein" WOPL.. :evil3:)


Still rummagin... :happy6:


Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?
And then....

Well, so I had to stop and hit ebay... :mrgreen::evil3: DAGNABIT!!!

Left the guy a note since part of his description was "Here is the Nak swing arm you broke removing your drive tire for service"

Yep, you nailed it guy... LOL

(damn.. )

Well, there's always that LX-5 while I wait. I bet if it had legs and a brain, it'd be running away from me right at this moment with me chasing it with a screwdriver.

Well, least I found the "handles that could not be found". They must have popped back in from the 5th dimension, where all the single socks you lose go.


Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?
And then...

I realized I had a whole graveyard full of decks, one of which .. a BX-1... Interesting tho.. see how no clip on the idler end?

Well, there's hope for tomorrow now..



Chief Journeyman
Nov 18, 2013
I ordered up the motor to the idler tire since after replacing the tire I still got very little movement on the FFD And RWD portion of the motor. yes there is 6 volts going to the motor when you hit FFD or RWD. Sprayed some D-ox in the motor to see if that would take care of the issue nope still have a lazy motor. So I ordered up the motor from a suggestion on another forum, got the motors and after taking this deck apart found out the motors that I purchased do not fit.:spiderman::spiderman::spiderman::spiderman: Now this deck getting to that motor is not for the faint at heart. Lots of small pieces that can get lost. Did not manage to break anything or loose anything. I got it all back together but my nerves are to frail to go on with the complete reassembly at this time, have to finish it tomorrow. Anyone have a reliable source on that idler motor for the BX300?
The unit plays fine, well it did till I dissembled it. Hope it will still work once I get the transport back into the deck. That will happen tomorrow. The bad thing is even if I do find a motor I got to go back in and do it all over again. Now where is the Valium:evil4:


Chief Journeyman
May 11, 2011
Nashville, TN Music City
highly biased
You can substitute a Mabuchi RF500 motor, or I have another motor that works. In both cases you have to file the two screw holes a bit wider using a needle file.


Chief Journeyman
Nov 18, 2013
You can substitute a Mabuchi RF500 motor, or I have another motor that works. In both cases you have to file the two screw holes a bit wider using a needle file.
Thanks for the tip:evil3:
Well I must have screw up something somewhere, since now the playback and the digital counter does not work at all. Oh well I'll put it aside for now as I will get a new motor first before I tear it all down again. Just as I figured it would:angry2: I defiantly am not a watch repair man:tongue5:
At least I have a half of a clue as to what goes where and how to tear it down faster next time around. :happy7:
Can you PM me a price on that motor PLEASE?