Working to upgrade these amplifiers is a slippery slope. You upgrade the ten output transistors to keep them from failing, but think, hey - I'll just replace them all so the amp can 'breathe' a little better and you find out that the best way to exploit the new capability of your higher gain outputs is to install a new WOA Control board. Then you find yourself in WIIT (while I'm in there...) mode, so you upgrade the bulk capacitors and the ancient bridge rectifier. Then you decide, hey I'm already 90% there, so let's install the Backplane Boards. And now you have a WOPL, as Perry would say.
I would change out the 2SD555 devices, but not because they are ticking time bombs. Who cares, you only need the transformer and the heat sinks; everything else is available to you. I would change them because the ON Semi MJ21195G/MJ21196G output transistors are just so much better. Then you can also get rid of the mica and grease, and install the Bergquist Sil-Pads that make changing the transistors so much easier.