Dual Turntables
Mark and all, I've been a Dual fan since buying my first 1229 in 1972. They're not cheaply made, they're made to last, contrary to the opinion of some. Case in point, I sold my 1229 to my best friend when I was stationed overseas in Spain in 1976 and he gave it back to me this past spring, limping and in need of restoration but still working, somewhat. I'm using a 1219 in my workshop that I purchased from the widow of an antique radio aficionado who used it up until the "end" and I just picked up a 1019 for $40 a few weeks ago. When my friend first gave me the 1229 back I thought I might want to try a full restoration myself. The more I thought about it, the more I thought I'd probably send it to Bill at Fix My Dual. Now I've got three and I'm not sure what route I'm going to take. Bill loves both the 1229 and the 1219, I know from communicating with him in the past, I think they're his favorites.
As far as the "noise" that I hear about but never actually hear from any idler wheel tables I've ever had, I think it's either only an issue in cheaply made idler tables or they're noisy in theory and not reality? Personally it took moving from the 1229 to an SL-120 with an SME 3009 arm and V15 Type III for me to hear sonic improvements but then we're talking a huge price tag difference-both were purchased new and, if I recall the Dual was around $299 and the Technics/SME/Shure combo was 3 to 4 times that so it should have sounded better! To be fair though, the cartridge on the Dual was additional and I think it was a high end Pickering that I chose for that but can't remember what they cost anymore, probably $80 or so in '72?
The $500+ price tag on the 1229Q seems high until you compare it to comparable new/modern changers-if there even are any? I'm actually considering going from the SL-120 to one of the restored Duals in my possession because of the auto shut off feature. Before I make that decision final though, I'd like to try one of those Q-up mechanisms with my Technics setup and see if that's a solution I can live with.
At any rate, I think you'll continue to be happy with your Dual, Mark, they're quality decks that I think play well above their price point, even at the price you paid. Enjoy the music and I look forward to updates regarding your thoughts on it, good, bad or otherwise!