Lee looks like it is 1.25MHz using your Tek time base. Much more reasonable for what I would expect. It will probably do this with nothing connected to the inputs, just sitting there powered up.
If this is true probe around to the outputs of each of the op amps. The one with the biggest amplitude is the one that is unstable and oscillating. Alternatively you can connect your scope probe tip to its probe ground with the ground wire forming a small loop antenna. Put your scope on its most sensitive scale and just move the probe loop antenna in close proximity to the board and scan the entire board area. Where you pick up the largest signal is where the oscillation is emanating from.
If this is true probe around to the outputs of each of the op amps. The one with the biggest amplitude is the one that is unstable and oscillating. Alternatively you can connect your scope probe tip to its probe ground with the ground wire forming a small loop antenna. Put your scope on its most sensitive scale and just move the probe loop antenna in close proximity to the board and scan the entire board area. Where you pick up the largest signal is where the oscillation is emanating from.