All's I gotta say is HMMMMM on this one...
When I first got a hold of my M-80 Yamaha, I plugged it in, fired it up, and it promptly blew the main 10A fuse on it. Out of desperation I put another one in, and it worked fine for at least a year until about a month or so ago.
So I got a pack of 10A fuses and put another one in tonight, thinking "ok... so I see a blue flash real quick, and then I can start ohm'ing stuff out" but also knowing what happened before, I held a little bit of hope out...
And it worked.. fine.. not a problem at all.... Powered right up and I'm listening to it now again.
So I'm thinking here.. either it's the initial inrush current with the bigger caps doing it or something is being intermittent like the 33K uF caps I have not replaced yet. If it was something really major, I think I would be cleaning the heat sinks.. scraping of bits and pieces of the outputs that went into meltdown.
I wonder tho... this M-80 pulls about 60 watts of power with no signal input (and with the auto class A OFF). If you have one of these and can measure the current draw, I'd appreciate a comparison. If it's too much of a difference I'll take a deeper dive into the issue, but other than that... I'm scratching my head a lil bit.